Babin Bulletin | August 18, 2024 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

The Biden-Harris Administration's Legacy of Failure
Last week, the Taliban celebrated three years in power by parading around the billions of dollars worth of U.S. military equipment the Biden-Harris administration recklessly left behind.

America’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is the greatest military failure in modern history.

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A Commonsense Ruling
Five Supreme Court justices made a commonsense ruling against the Biden-Harris administration’s Title IX order allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports and use women’s locker rooms/bathroom facilities.

It should’ve been unanimous, but I appreciate the five courageous justices who’ve acted to save women’s sports.

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A Briefing at the 147th Attack Wing
It was a privilege to join General Stephen Whiting, Commander of U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM), and Chief Master Sergent Jacob Simmons on their visit to the 147th Attack Wing at Ellington Field.

USSPACECOM is responsible for deterring aggression and defending the interests of America and our allies in space. Gen. Whiting, CMSSF Simmons, and I received a briefing on the Wing’s MQ-9 operations and discussed the Houston space ecosystem and how those on the ground are working to safeguard this war-fighting domain.

A special thanks to Wing Commander Col. Bif French for taking the time!

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Harris Unveils Her Economic Plan
Kamala Harris’ economic plan: $1.7 trillion in handouts and government price controls.

Sounds like bankruptcy and communism to me.

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Biden, Harris Made Empty Promises to Stop Migrants in Panama
If you’re looking for the truth behind the journey immigrants are taking to cross the Biden-Harris open southern border and the empty promises the administration has made along the way, here you go!

To read article, please click here.
A Little Bit About the Weather
As a member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, which has jurisdiction over the National Weather Service, I had an interesting visit to the National Weather Service Houston-Galveston Texas office earlier last week. We hit on the ongoing hurricane season, the physics behind weather forecasting, flood operations, and more.

I also enjoyed speaking with Galveston County Judge Mark Henry!

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Killing Middle-Class Americans
Inflation is killing middle-class Americans.

Folks are having to skip meals to afford gas, buy groceries, or pay to fill prescriptions.

We’re facing unnecessary tough times under Biden and Harris because of their foolhardy, woke policies.

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The Democrats' Idea of Justice
"A Haitian migrant charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl at a Massachusetts hotel was released on $500 bail last week despite ongoing requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transfer him....”

Progressive liberals' idea of justice...

To read article, please click here.
Speaking at the Baytown Chamber of Commerce
 I joined the Baytown Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday for an update on the “State of the Nation.”

We discussed the ongoing affordability crisis, small business policies, my work in Congress advocating for regional priorities, including the Coastal Barrier, and supporting Baytown’s energy sector and the thousands of constituents that it employs.

Over the last decade, my team and I have helped more than 600 Baytown families and will continue to aid residents however we can!

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A New Low
Last Tuesday, a federal judge ruled against UCLA in a lawsuit over its "Jew Exclusion Zone."

It’s a travesty that an American university has sunk to this level.

To read article, please click here.
It's Deliberate
 "A signature Biden-Harris administration program to quickly remove families who entered the U.S. illegally is allowing nearly 90% of migrants to stay in the country...”

This isn't mere oversight or some mistake – it's a deliberate and strategic move by Democrats.

To read article, please click here.
Visiting With the U.S. Coast Guard
Thank you to the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston for Monday’s briefing and operations tour!

I’m proud to represent this operational unit – the largest in the Coast Guard – and the dedicated men and women responsible for the safety and security of the Maritime Transportation System for much of the Gulf Coast.

As a veteran and dentist by trade, I was thrilled to view the medical facilities as well!

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A National Security Concern
 "The Biden-Harris White House hosted a Pentagon official at the center of an Iranian government influence operation eight times...”

Talk about a national security concern...

To read article, please click here.
Staring Down Fiscal Ruination
The numbers are staggering, and the implications are terrifying.

Everyone in the country must understand we are staring down fiscal ruination, and Kamala Harris and her Democrat Party do not intend to alter course.

To read article, please click here.
Kamunism Harris
This speaks volumes...
Back-to-School Prices 
Back-to-school shopping is hitting parents hard, thanks to the high prices caused by the failed economy of the Biden-Harris administration.

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The Left Is Emboldening Terrorist-Loving Mobs
"Anti-Israel agitators at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill are vowing resistance 'by any means necessary' as the 2024-2025 school year officially begins on Aug. 18.”

The Left's blind compliance emboldens terrorist-loving mobs. It must stop.

To read article, please click here.
Sanctuary Cities Are a Dream Come True for Criminal Illegals
 "An illegal Venezuelan migrant with suspected gang ties who has allegedly committed 22 crimes in six months in New York City still hasn't been deported...”

Sanctuary cities continue to harbor and protect violent illegals while American citizens suffer.

To read article, please click here.
Hosting a U.S. Service Academy Forum
I invite all interested students, parents, and educators to attend my U.S. Service Academy Forum.

Representatives from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy will present information about their academy application process, attending a service academy, and the role of an officer.

What: U.S. Service Academy Forum
September 14, 2024
Hardin-Jefferson Junior High School, 3025 TX-326, Sour Lake, TX
1:00 to 3:00pm CT

Please view the flyer below for additional information!

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Recovering From Hurricane Beryl
 If you received hurricane damage – please report it by clicking the link below.

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You can also use the following QR code to track any new storms that head our way!

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Let Us Help You
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.

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Let us work on your behalf!

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