Ensure your voter registration is accurate and empower a thriving democracy.

Today marks a momentous occasion in history – it's the anniversary of women's suffrage. To honor the brave women who fought tirelessly for the right to vote and the progress we have made toward equality, please take a moment today to ensure you are ready to cast your vote in just a few months.

A person's voter registration may become out of date for a variety of reasons, including a change of address, name change, and inactivity. 

Check my Status

1️⃣ Check your registration status.

2️⃣ Verify that your name, address, and other details are correct.

3️⃣ Finally, spread the word! Encourage your friends, family, and community to do the same.

Voting isn't just a right; it's a powerful tool for change. It's how we shape the future we want to see and how we honor the legacy of those who paved the way for us. Ensure your voice is heard and honor the trailblazing suffragists by updating your voter registration today.

More soon,

Team Larsen

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50