Hey y’all,
It’s Sarah, one of the co-founders of Indivisible -- or, if you’re new here and have been joining the #WomenWednesday calls with Shannon Watts, Leah Greenberg, and (very) exciting guests, you may know me as the Sarah in the chat with the emojis. 💅 👋 🥳
The last few weeks have been wild in the best possible way. A few weeks ago, following the incredible Win With Black Women call hosted by Jotaka Eaddy, we offered to help host one of the subsequent calls for Harris that activated a ton of people and broke Zoom. Suddenly, a lot of folks started asking us to support their big, pro-Harris events. After White Women for Harris, there was AAPI for Harris. Then lawyers and realtors. Appalachians. Soon (fingers crossed), Swifties.
A few weeks later, one thing is clear: A lot of people are showing up for Vice President Harris and Coach Walz. Like, a lot, a lot.
Here’s the thing -- with all this incredible energy and impeccable vibes-shifting comes the need for resources to keep the engine running (did you know a one-month subscription to a Zoom account that can hold all the women and Swifties and realtors and Appalachians costs $30,000? Honestly, until last month, I didn’t know that either). Because we’re not just hosting Zoom calls, y’all. Zoom calls alone are not going to be what wins this election.
We’re channeling all that energy out there in the world into real, on-the-ground organizing, targeted digital campaigns, and relentless voter outreach in every corner of this country. And I’m deeply proud of this work -- so I’m going to tell you a little more about it. And yes, I'm going to ask you to chip in to fund it.
The idea for All in for Harris Action Teams grew out of our new weekly Women Wednesday Zooms with Shannon Watts. And in just the last week, more than 535 people signed up to start a team in their community. Kamala Kweens in Piedmont, South Carolina. Cincy Women for Harris in Ohio. Viva Las Vegas for Harris in Nevada. Pittsburgh Women for Harris in Pennsylvania. EAUYeah in Eau Claure, Wisconsin. Joyful Warriors of North Broward in Lighthouse Point, Florida. You get the idea. 👇

Over the last 9 days, our organizing team has been digging in with these new teams (on top of our thousands of existing Indivisible groups in every state across the country):
- 📱Having 1:1 calls to make sure these new Action Team leaders feel ready and resourced for what’s ahead.
- 🖥️ Setting them up with phonebanks that they can host in their homes with their teams calling into presidential battleground states.
- 🏡Supporting their work to put together All in for Harris House Parties next week during the convention (and making many, many bingo cards, which you should download if you haven’t already).
Real-talk: The new investments that I’ve approved in the last week to turn all this energy into on-the-ground organizing add up to $500,000 over and above the $7 million Indivisible planned to spend this year to elect Kamala Harris, retake our Democratic House majority, and keep the Senate. That means (really), I need your help (you can click here to chip in).
If you’re new here, one of the things you may not know is that Indivisible depends on small-dollar donations to keep all this work moving (seriously -- it’s the single largest source of funds powering our work). We’re never going to spam you with messages about midnight deadlines or 700% matches from super secret Democratic donors. But that means when we need help to fund this work, we’re going to be honest and transparent with you.
So, here’s my honest and transparent list of what I’m asking you to fund today:
🚪$150,000 to expand our groundbreaking Neighbor2Neighbor relational canvassing tool to double-down in the presidential battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin. This will allow us to recruit more volunteers and knock on more doors to talk to voters about Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and all that’s at stake this November. (If you want to find out if you live in a Neighbor2Neighbor state or House district, check here!)
☎️$50,000 to launch our new weekly All in for Harris phonebanks, where folks anywhere can talk to voters in presidential battlegrounds -- like Nevada next Friday! (We’re also going to be adding additional VoteFWD/Indivisible letter-writing parties for those of you who want to write to voters.)
💻$20,000 in web improvements to make it as easy as possible for folks across the country to find the most strategic way to take action based on where they live. Honestly, this is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but right now, it’s critical. Starting next week, when you visit our website, all you’ll have to do is plug in your zip code and we’ll tell you the three most important things for you to do right now to elect Vice President Harris and Coach Walz. This may sound simple, but it’s a significant improvement to make getting to work as easy as possible for new activists.
😍$80,000 to send Indivisible groups and Action Teams in key battleground states yard signs, t-shirts with QR codes, flyers, and stickers so that they can spread the word about the work that needs to happen between now and November, onboard new members to knock doors with us, and talk to as many voters as possible before the election.
💸$75,000 to expand our peer-to-peer texting program in key House districts, Senate states, and presidential battlegrounds to recruit folks who are energized about this election but unsure how to plug in to real, on-the-ground, grassroots organizing work happening near them.
🙋$35,000 to expand our organizing presence and staff in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, and Montana. Indivisible’s organizers are the best in the business, and they get a lot done. But right now, as we expand the numbers of volunteers we’re working with in presidential battlegrounds and key Senate states (think: Arizona, Ohio, Montana, Florida, and Texas), we could use some extra support to do even more.
…and a lot more.
But more honestly and transparency: I really can’t do it without your help. So if you're able, please chip in what you can today to power the work to reach voters in the battleground states, competitive House districts, and Senate states that we need to win.
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I know that you’ve likely already given a few gifts to the Harris campaign and other organizations just like Indivisible doing incredible work across the country to win this November. And I know that you get a lot of asks like this from people just like me in your inboxes and via text messages. The truth is that it’s all important work. And it all costs money.
None of us sending these emails can guarantee a victory on November 5th. But here’s what I can promise if you decide to become an investor in Indivisible’s work: I will make sure that it’s spent in the most strategic way, and in the most strategic place, to make it more likely that I’m emailing you on November 6th about all we’re about to achieve under President Kamala Harris.
Now, LFG. And thank you.
In solidarity, Sarah Dohl Chief Campaigns Officer & Co-Founder, Indivisible