However, with a small group of men and women, we strive to be as efficient and
relentless as the Marines fighting in those conditions.
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Dear Friend,
“They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're
behind us . . . they can't get away this time.” – Lieutenant General Lewis
“Chesty” Puller.
In November 1950, iconic Marine Chesty Puller led the 1st Marine Division as
it attempted to fight its way out of North Korea’s Chosin Reservoir.
In -36 below zero conditions, the 30,000 Marines were surrounded by 120,000
Chinese soldiers.
Their conditions were hellish: frozen morphine vials had to be defrosted in
the mouths of Corpsman before being administered to the wounded, blood plasma
was useless, and even the Marine's gun oil froze, jamming their rifles.
But they persisted and fought like hell, wiping out seven Chinese Divisions
during their breakout to the sea.
The leadership of Puller and the other commanders in the field gave the weary
Marines hope to fight and passion to win. While Puller loved his men, the
Marine general was not about to surrender. I doubt the thought of giving up
ever crossed the man's mind . . . and so his men knew with certainty what their
mission was . . . FIGHT!
Stories like this inspire me, and I know I'm not alone in history.
My organization, O’Keefe Media Group, is a fledging operation after I was
ousted from the organization I founded, Project Veritas.
However, with a small group of men and women, we strive to be as efficient and
relentless as the Marines fighting in those conditions.
Please make no mistake . . . we are surrounded on all fronts: The Left, the
mainstream media, corporate giants, and even those who should stand with us are
fighting against us!
But our work continues as we expose corruption, malfeasance, and hypocrisy in
our society.That's only possible with your support.
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Like those Marines, the "Chosin Few," OMG operates with scarce resources. Our
financial coffers are constantly cycled through as our workload and need for
funds grow due to more travel, whistleblowers, equipment, research, data,
attorneys, editors, etc.
We're not the Washington Post or NBC News. We operate on a smaller budget than
a small-town local paper.
But we persist with your help.
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This year has been a whirlwind. Our work on exposing the web of money and
influence that’s driving illegal immigration continues.
Disney and other major corporations have been exposed for bias in their hiring
practices. Even the CIA has been exposed for bias against President Trump.
Whistleblowers within the Secret Service and other government agencies keep
flowing in.
And our stories about the Democrat fundraising behemoth, ActBlue, continue to
pour in.
Please help us keep moving forward.
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As I work with my small staff (and they are the hardest-working group of men
and women I've had the honor to work with), those who want to stop us keep up
their attacks . . . and we don't even glance at them.
That’s their intent: to slow or stop our work.
We will not quit, we will not surrender, and as long as I have you by my side
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, we will keep up the pace and bring the truth to light!
I need to raise $42,500 to cover our expenses in the next seven days
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. I have a stack of bills, airfare to buy, hotels to book, and reporters to pay.
Will you chip in and help me cover these expenses?
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For over a decade, the generosity of Americans has kept me going through even
the most challenging times . . . and this is one of them.
Please donate to OMG today and help keep us going
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Thank you so much for your time, support, encouragement, and prayers. As
always, stay tuned.
In Truth,
James O’Keefe
Founder and CEO
O'Keefe Media Group
P.S. Our work is overwhelming, but we're still going strong. Help me cover our
expenses by donating today
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. Within the next seven days, I need to raise $42,500 to keep going. Will you
chip in?
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15 E Market St #6103
Leesburg, VA 20178 unsubscribe
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