In a final destructive blow to the Amazon before leaving office, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro greenlit construction of a mega-highway that will cut through miles of precious untouched rainforest.
If built, this road will give illegal loggers and land grabbers easy access to slash and burn some of the most remote forest areas left in the Amazon — it’d be a nightmare for the rainforest and the people who live there.
But we can stop it.
Right now the Brazilian government is deciding whether or not to build the highway. If enough of us chip in, we’ll work alongside Indigenous communities to launch a massive pressure campaign — targeting key decision makers, building public pressure and exposing the shady companies lobbying for this highway of destruction. We won’t stop until we win.
Can you chip in to help save the Amazon rainforest?
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Right now, the ONLY road connection between Manaus, the Amazon’s largest city, and the rest of the country is a 900-km dirt road that was built half a century ago. It’s impassable for much of the year because of the rainy season, keeping loggers out. But then far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro gave the greenlight for the road to be paved on his way out of office.
Brazil's new president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has vowed to save the Amazon, but also said he thinks it’s possible to pave the road AND protect the forest. Indigenous communities don’t agree.
The fact is that the destruction the project will cause is hard to fathom. Most deforestation of the Amazon already occurs along roads, where access is easier…but one recent study estimated the new highway would cause deforestation to grow by 500% by 2030!
Our millions-strong community can mount a global pressure campaign in days, making this issue massive in the press. And we’ll do it working side by side with local communities who are calling first for a clear impact assessment of the consequences of the highway.
Together, we can force the Brazilian government to slow down until it can prove FOR CERTAIN that there’s a way to pave the road and save the forest. But to do it we’ll have to fight off pressure from corporate lobbyists who smell profit and have mounted a public pressure campaign of their own.
This is EXACTLY the campaign that our community was made for. But building movements like this takes major resources – can you help us save the Amazon from destruction?
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