I’ve had a front-row seat to the ways that Donald Trump has changed our country and his party over these past few years, and I’d like to share some of those observations with you today.
But first, will you pretty-please pitch in $15 to give my campaign a boost heading into Convention Week?
In my experience, my GOP colleagues in Washington tend to fall into one of three categories:
There are the racists, misogynists, and authoritarians who genuinely like what Trump offers (but wish he’d be a little quieter about it.)
There are the cowards who know that Trump is a loudmouth charlatan. But they’ve seen the cautionary tales of former colleagues who had the courage to speak up. So they sit in positions of leadership, afraid to lead.
Then there’s a third group — the true believers. They have far-right media blasting in their offices 24/7 and buy into every single conspiracy, no matter how absurd. They reject, ignore, or attack anything and anyone that challenges MAGA doctrine, along with millions of Americans who have fallen down the same deep, dark rabbit hole.
However, the difference between, say, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and your MAGA Uncle Bob on Facebook, is that Marge is supposed to be a member of Congress…but it’s impossible to be an effective legislator and a card-carrying Q-Anon believer at the same time.
For the good of our country, we’ve got to vote these folks out. If we fight hard enough in these final three months, I know that’s possible.
One day (hopefully soon), the Trump era will come to an end. Our country will have to move forward. There will be a whole lot of burned bridges to rebuild. Maybe this little rant is a good reminder: Our politics don’t have to be defined by hatred and vengeance.
But we turn things around without decent folks like you. So please, friend, will you chip in any amount to support my fight for decency, truth, and integrity in Washington?