We have the momentum right now, which is why Elon is pulling out all the stops to give Trump and Vance any edge he can.
You know Elon Musk, right John?

Well did you know he pledged to give $45 million every month to a super PAC working to elect Donald Trump?

What about the fact that he personally pushed for the selection of JD Vance, strong contender for the weirdest guy ever to run for Vice President?

It’s true — Elon is going out of his way to get these guys elected. A lot of folks even think the whole reason he bought Twitter (for $44 billion, mind you) was to use it as a platform to spread right-wing misinformation and suppress progressive points of view.
The good news is when our movement stands together and fights back clearly, loudly, and with a unified voice, billionaires like Musk and Trump are powerless to stop us.
We have the momentum right now, which is why Elon is pulling out all the stops to give Trump and Vance any edge he can. We need your help to make sure he isn’t successful.
John, will you pitch in $5 directly to Kamala Harris’s campaign to help them fight back against right-wing billionaires and defeat Donald Trump on November 5th?
— LeftNet