You’ll want to read this —

FIRST: Major election forecasters rated our race as the Democrats’ BEST chance to flip a Senate seat come November. We’re ahead in the polls and John’s Republican opponent is one of the most vulnerable Senators up for re-election.

THEN: Mitch McConnell and his shady donor network dumped huge sums of money into key battleground states across the country — including Colorado where they plan to launch nasty attacks aimed at tearing John down.

NOW: The Washington Post has ranked us as a “toss-up” just as the right-wing Koch Network announced a huge on-the-ground effort to defeat us.

SO: It’s never been more important for us to fight back against the GOP’s massive donor network. But if we don’t meet our April fundraising goal, we’re worried we won’t have the resources to win against the GOP.

ASK: We have to raise as many grassroots dollars from folks like you as possible before our end-of-month deadline on Thursday. Can we count on you to add a donation now? We have what it takes to flip this Senate seat, but it all comes down to how you respond:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for adding your donation today. We promise it will go to immediate work to help John take back Colorado and flip the Senate for Democrats.

— Team Hick