Not Another Bomb: 

National Day of Action to Demand

No US Military Aid to Israel

This Sunday, 8/18, 12 - 2pm

Cal Anderson Park

As delegates gather for the Democratic National Convention this August, join us on Sunday to send a message to the establishment: the people call for not another bomb! In order to achieve a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the U.S. must stop arming Israel’s brutal war and occupation on Gaza by enacting an immediate arms embargo.

Sponsored by the coalition of groups behind the Uncommitted movement, protests like this one in Seattle are being organized nationwide to coordinate and coincide with the DNC.

Join us at Cal Anderson Park this Sunday @ 12 PM.


Seattle DSA Annual Summer Picnic!

This Saturday, 8/17

4 - 8PM

Jefferson Park Shelter #03 (3801 Beacon Ave S)

Join us at Jefferson Park Shelter #03 to celebrate our work at the DSA Summer Picnic! We kindly ask that anyone who wants to contribute to the potluck to bring pre-cooked/ pre-package food items. Drinks and lawn games to be provided.


Check out YOUR Chapter business page (

  • August 25th, 11:59PM: Bylaws amendments are due
  • September 3rd, 11:59PM: Resolutions are due
  • September 10th: Two week notice email.
  • September 21st, 11:59PM: Amendments are due.
  • September 22nd: Credentials sent out.
  • September 24th, 7-9PM: Business Meeting


resolutions form

bylaws changes
