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Hi John -- did you hear the big news?

Chris was named a Gun Sense Candidate by Moms Demand Action, one of the leading national organizations working to take on gun violence in our country.

Moms Demand Action

We're so excited that Chris has received such an incredible honor -- and it's not the first of its kind. Earlier this year, Chris was endorsed by Brady, another extraordinary organization committed to ending gun violence, and in 2019, Chris was also honored by Sandy Hook Promise for his work to keep our schools and communities safe from gun violence.

Unfortunately, there is still so much work to be done to address gun violence in this country. In 2019, there were more mass shootings in the U.S. than there were days in the year. That's unacceptable, and Chris is more determined than ever to take bold action.

Chris has met with Delaware families whose lives have been forever changed by gun violence. He's strategized with Moms Demand Action on how to make change, and thanks to the activism of so many people, we're finally seeing more Americans demanding solutions to this problem.

Will you join Moms Demand Action in supporting Chris today? Pitch in right now to make sure we have the resources we need to re-elect Chris so he can continue to stand up against the NRA!

Chris is a passionate advocate for gun safety reform. He's working to pass legislation that will protect families all across America -- from banning high-capacity magazines to strengthening background checks. But this election is critical if we want to elect a gun safety majority in the Senate.

As Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell has stood in lockstep with the NRA, blocking meaningful reform. If we want to keep our communities safe and get dangerous weapons off our streets, we need to take back the Senate, and we cannot do that without holding Chris' seat.

If you think gun reform is way past due, join Moms Demand Action in supporting Chris today. Chip in now so we can take back the Senate and pass sensible gun reform legislation once and for all.

Thanks for being with us,

Team Coons

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