The communities that need me the most

Our working/migrant families are struggling, {FirstName/Friend}.

I’ve been in Congress for more than 15 years, but never before have I seen a party so focused on destroying the way of life for our nation's immigrants and working families.

Whether it’s talk of mass deportations or slashing taxes on corporations who already don’t pay their fair share, it’s clear the MAGA Republicans aren’t looking out for anyone — much less the people of Brooklyn.

But that’s where I come in. Even before my career as a public servant, I was committed to helping my community. Whether it was training members of my community to care for the children of working parents or fighting for immigrant reform in Congress, I care deeply about my constituents.

I’m the child of immigrants and working-class parents friend, and now that I fight the good fight for those same communities in Congress, it’s made me the number-one target for the far-right.

I need to continue my work combating the MAGA attacks on working families and our immigrant communities — will you consider donating to my campaign so I can keep fighting for you in Washington?


My goal as a legislator has always been to lead with empathy and compassion, and that means for ALL of us — not just the special interests Republicans serve.

– Yvette D. Clarke

Yvette Clarke is the ONLY Black woman representing New York in Washington. She has a known track record of bringing together moderates and progressives to pass progressive legislation to help communities of color, low-income families, immigrants, and more. If you'd like only the most important updates, you can opt for fewer emails here, but if you don't want to keep Yvette proudly representing Brooklyn, you can unsubscribe.

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Clarke for Congress
PO Box 250200
Brooklyn, NY 11225
United States