Tell Kamala Harris: End the Gaza Genocide!

🌹 Not Another Bomb! 🌹

As political decision-makers gather for the Democratic National Convention this August, join us to send a message to the establishment: the people call for not another bomb! In order to achieve a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the U.S. must stop arming Israel’s brutal war and occupation on Gaza by enacting an immediate arms embargo.


Join us this Sunday, August 18th at Noon at Liberty Plaza!

Our program will include a march, starting and ending at Liberty Plaza. The march route is 0.8 miles in total, it is mostly flat with gentle slopes, and there are sidewalks the whole distance with curb cuts.


Sponsoring Organizations: American Friends Service Committee, Asian American Advocacy Fund, Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America, Atlanta Radical Art, Georgia Muslim Voter Project, Jewish Voice for Peace - Atlanta Chapter, Movement for Black Lives, Atlanta Multi-faith Coalition for Palestine

See you Sunday!


In Solidarity,
Atlanta DSA