In our fight for reproductive rights, the stakes are high -- and a lot is happening really fast. That's why it's up to us, the people who know what's at stake, to ensure those in power protect our fundamental human rights.
You can't control the Supreme Court's decisions, or what stories dominate the news headlines. But you can do your part to fight for reproductive freedom, along with your friends, neighbors, and a nationwide movement of people who are working alongside you.
Your members of congress are back in their home states and districts this month. Now is the time to make your voice heard! Here are 3 things you can do to keep the pressure on lawmakers:
1. Ask questions at town halls
Town halls are a great place to meet your lawmakers in person and get them on the record about their stance on reproductive rights.
2. Spread the the word about your officials' positions on abortion
Here's how you can publicly question anti-abortion rights lawmakers and share a recording of your interaction far and wide. Don’t forget to tag @PPACT!
3. Peacefully protest at anti-abortion rights lawmakers' local offices
If your member(s) of Congress opposes abortion rights, follow these tips to stage a peaceful protest outside their local office.
Abortion bans are harmful. They can prevent people from accessing the care they need and stop providers from taking care of patients. Take action now.
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(C)2024 Planned Parenthood Action Fund
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