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Hi there,
One of my favorite things about working closely with the Vote Forward community is hearing about the joy that letter writing brings to volunteers’ lives. Whether letter writers are gathering with friends, likeminded volunteers, and loved ones or writing on their own, it’s incredible to hear stories of why folks keep coming back to writing letters each year and how they turn anxiety into action.
On Wednesday, August 29, we’re hosting a virtual letter writing party to celebrate the joy of letter writing! [Join us to write a few letters and hear from fellow volunteers about how letter writing brings them joy, and how they bring joy to their letters to voters.]([link removed])
[RSVP to join]([link removed])
I hope you’ll join us on Zoom to write letters with your fellow volunteers!
Nia Bentall
Mobilization Lead
Vote Forward
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
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