From The John Birch Society <[email protected]>
Subject FREEDOM Is The Only Cure!
Date April 27, 2020 10:14 PM
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The establishment media is doing its part in setting up the foundation for mass hysteria causing many Americans to look to the government for answers. We have seen time and time again that when the government steps in, they become the problem rather than the solution. This gives us a great opportunity to be the voice of reason for our fellow Americans by continuing to educate them about how we should be handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Use our free coronavirus special issue PDF ([link removed]) of The New American magazine to spread the word that the cure to this virus is FREEDOM, not government tyranny. Also check out our coronavirus page ([link removed]) at to see what you can do to stop this government tyranny and how you can motivate others to do the same. We are literally seeing masses that are begging for the government to take away their rights in exchange for protection from the virus. Lets get out there and educate America on our God-given rights!
End the Coronavirus Shutdown! ([link removed])
As more information about the coronavirus comes out, we are beginning to see some interesting facts come about. According to two separate studies conducted in the counties of Santa Clara and Los Angeles, California, the virus may not be as deadly as previously thought. Christian Gomez discusses this here ([link removed]) which helps destroy any sensible argument for state governors to issue draconian one-size-fits-all “stay-at-home” orders putting millions of Americans out of work.

This government tyranny needs to end now and we need to get our lives back! We must contact our state legislators now to urge them to obey constitutional limitations on power and respect our inherent God-given rights. Encourage them to revoke or lift any orders in place so we can end these lockdowns.
Stop Out-of-Control State Governments! ([link removed])
The Constitution is the Solution!
Join us tomorrow on Facebook at 10 AM Central Time, as we will be hosting our next Watch Party, viewing Part 4 of The Constitution is the Solution, Constitutional War Powers and the Enemy Within. Go to The John Birch Society Facebook page ([link removed]) at 10AM tomorrow and the video to watch will appear. A re-posting of the video will also become available after the Watch Party on YouTube as well. Check out Parts 1-3 on YouTube here in case you missed our Watch Parties!
TNA Insight

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Get your copy of The New American magazine's new issue: CORONAVIRUS Opens Eyes to Homeschooling ([link removed])

The country’s coronavirus lockdowns have forced kids to do online schooling. Homeschooling advocates hope to use the experience to draw kids from public schools.
In case you missed it...
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President Trump has been calling out globalism, while the managing director of the George W. Bush Institute is arguing for more globalism. We’ll cover who has the right answer in this episode of Analysis Behind the News ([link removed]) .
There is so much new technology out there, what happens when government uses technology to keep an eye on you? Dr. Duke Pesta discusses how police and others are enforcing new measures in this week's Constitution Corner ([link removed]) .
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Within minutes of launching the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses loans, the program was depleted with most small businesses not getting a dime. Christian Gomez discusses this in this episode of Straight Talk ([link removed]) .
Christian Gomez discusses two separate studies conducted in the counties of Santa Clara and Los Angeles, California, that the virus may not be as deadly as previously thought in this second episode of Straight Talk ([link removed]) .
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Wayne Morrow discusses with Evan Mulch how technology can be used in the environment today. Find out how Evan has been effective with teleconferences by using applications such as Zoom in this episode of Matter of Action ([link removed]) .
Arthur Thompson discusses how the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights is very misunderstood and how the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Find out more in this episode of Bill of Rights ([link removed]) .
Dr. Duke Show

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Watch Dr. Duke Show Here! ([link removed])

This week Dr. Duke discusses a new California bill that would hide student abortions and transgender procedures from parents. Plus, we look at the top 10 colleges receiving COVID-19 bailout money, an academic says the pandemic gives perfect opportunity to “abolish”nuclear family and public schools consider extending fall semester.
Activate America

Here are the latest "Activate America" videos for you to use to help stay active and to continue to inform others. We have an excellent opportunity to wake up America. Let's do so!
* Pushing Fake News Agenda ([link removed])
* Education Is The Solution ([link removed])
* States Begin Talking of Reopening ([link removed])
* Development Leads to Future Success ([link removed])
* Shining Stars in the Hysteria Storm ([link removed])
* World Leader Calls for "Temporary" Global Government? ([link removed])
* What's Really Going On ([link removed])
* What to Do About COVID-19 Crackdown ([link removed])
* How Patriots Can Weather the Storm ([link removed])
* Do Emergencies Trump Liberty? ([link removed])
* Staying Active When America's Locked Down ([link removed])

If you haven't already, sign up below for our legislative email alerts which cover congressional legislation, but do include state legislation on certain critical topics.

Top State Alerts!
1. End the Coronavirus Shutdown ([link removed])
2. Stop Out-of-Control State Governments ([link removed])
Top Federal Alerts!
1. Fire Fauci! ([link removed])
2. Stop Coronavirus National Health ID & Cellphone Tracking! ([link removed])
Click the link below to see what is happening in your state and how you can get more involved! Also contact your local coordinator for more information!

Act Now: State Legislative Alert Map ([link removed])
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The John Birch Society is dedicated to bringing about less government, more responsibility, and - with God's help - a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.

Our mailing address is:
770 N Westhill Blvd | Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 | United States

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