I’m always ready to leave it all on the field for Kentucky families, John.
Sometimes that means running down fly balls in the Congressional Baseball Game and breaking my foot in the process. (ouch!)
But more often than not, it means fighting for what I believe is best for working Kentuckians.
I love my job, John. Every day I get up and go to bat for policies that will improve the lives of the people in KY-03.
But just imagine how much more we can accomplish together if we’re able to flip the House blue in November — we can protect reproductive rights, strengthen unions, make healthcare and housing more affordable… it’s all within reach.
BUT, if we take our eye off the ball, we could lose those opportunities, watch working families foot the bill for another Trump tax cut, and push our democracy to the brink of disaster. All the scary stuff…
John, that being said, are you ready to step up to the plate to help me keep KY-03 blue to give Democrats our best chance possible to retake the House majority in November?
Thanks for having my back, John!
—Morgan McGarvey