Salmon play a vital role not just in Washington’s ecosystem, but also in our economy, history, culture, and traditions.

Yet, salmon populations across the state continue to face existential threats from habitat loss, pollution, and warming waters.

Maria has always been a tireless steward of environmental conservation in Washington – and just last month, she joined with Sen. Murray to bring home more than $28m in funding for salmon habitat restoration.

This investment will go a long way toward protecting this iconic species, but Maria isn’t stopping now.

Are you with her? Take our 1-click survey below:
Do you think salmon protection should be a top environmental priority for lawmakers?

The future of salmon is at a crossroads in Washington, and we need environmental champions like Maria more than ever.

– Cantwell HQ




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States