August 26 in Baltimore
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Maryland Green Party

Friend --

On August 5, we went to Annapolis to submit 16,727 signatures to re-establish the Green Party as a recognized party in Maryland. This is over 160% of the required 10,000. We know that some signatures will be rejected for various technical reasons, but we are confident that our verification rate will be high enough to ensure the Green Party is back on the ballot for this year's election and 2026.


To celebrate, we will be gathering at Peabody Heights Brewery in Baltimore on Monday. August 26. We will know the results of the verification process and will be ready to either celebrate our re-certification as a political party or commiserate and begin planning the next steps to win recognition back as soon as possible. Either way, we want to recognize everyone who has supported our efforts and toast our hard work!

We hope to see you on the 26th at 5:30 PM or whenever you can come by. Click here to RSVP to help us with planning for the event.  

Thank you to everyone who signed the petition, volunteered to gather signatures, donated, and helped spread the word about our petition drive over the last two years! 

Maryland Green Party

Find us on Facebook.

Maryland Green Party
P.O. Box 23018
Baltimore, MD 21203

P. (410) 691-3204

E. [email protected]

Paid for by the Maryland Green Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. By Authority of Tim Willard, Treasurer.

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