Announcement of 9/7-8 canvassing for Anna Thomas


Join Sister District and Diversity Matters
September 7-8 to Canvass for Anna Thomas!

We hope you will join Diversity Matters and Sister District DC Metro Area on a weekend road trip Sept. 7-8 to canvass for Anna Thomas.? Canvass on Saturday, Sunday, or both.? Help us knock on registered Democrats' doors in Bethlehem, Pa, and help GOTV all the way up and down the ballot.


Democrats flipped the PA House in 2022 by only 63 votes in one district!? After special elections due to vacancies, Democrats will need to protect a one-seat majority.? We must elect Anna to defend democracy and protect abortion in this important battleground state.


About Anna Thomas:? Born and raised in her district by a family of immigrants from India and Malaysia, Anna is running to protect essential freedoms and unseat an entrenched Republican incumbent in a critical PA House district outside of Philadelphia.? In 2022, Anna narrowly lost her race for the PA House by just 700 votes.? She has continued to advocate for her community since then, and with our support, Anna can prevail and help Democrats protect and grow their narrow, one-seat majority.


You do the knocking, and we'll set up carpools and arrange or recommend lodging for those who wish to stay overnight.


Your Sister District DC Metro Area Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Mary, Jeff, Sheri, Allison, and Lynn


Paid for by Sister District Project. Authorized by Friends of Anna Thomas (HD 137).