On this week’s episode of my podcast “Newt’s World,” I speak with Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council.
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April 27, 2020

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To Make America’s Economy Great Again, Stick With Supply-Side Economics

As Americans know all too well, the coronavirus pandemic forced government at all levels — federal, state, and local — to impose protective measures that amounted to a national societal shutdown. Many of the measures have been necessary, but they have also been devastating.

As America begins the process of reopening, we need to have a plan. So, I thought it would be helpful to hear from someone who is not only designing such a plan, but is also in a position to influence policy at the highest level. On this week’s episode of my podcast “Newt’s World,” I speak with Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council. As President Trump’s top economic adviser, there is no one better qualified to discuss, or more deeply involve

The economic model of limiting government’s role and prioritizing incentives has worked well for past presidents such as Ronald Reagan and can succeed a second time for President Trump. May will be an important transitional month from a shutdown to a gradual reopening, and the key will be to let the free enterprise system flourish to create rapid economic growth.

I hope you will listen to this week’s episode to learn more specifically how we can revive American society after the pandemic. It is critical to hear what our president’s top economic adviser is advising at this pivotal moment for our country.

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The Other Virus Infecting the World

Today is the first anniversary of the heinous shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue in California. The anniversary is a sober reminder that Jew-hatred remains a very real threat, even in the United States in 2020. Indeed, the anniversary comes amid a surge in global antisemitism caused by the coronavirus.

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Previous Podcasts

Health Breakthrough Series

Home Recovery

At home recovery care is a new model of remote hospital care which is creating positive patient outcomes. How can this new model of at home care help during the spread of COVID-19? Newt is joined by Travis Messina, Co-Founder and CEO of Contessa Home Recovery Care

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Early Interventions

In the midst of the coronavirus health crisis, doctors and scientists are searching for new therapies until there is a vaccine or cure. Newt interviews Dr. Paul Marik about intravenous ascorbic acid and corticosteroid treatments for critical COVID-19 patients. Could it help save lives?

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Convalescent Plasma

In the midst of the coronavirus health crisis, doctors and scientists are searching for new therapies until there is a vaccine or cure. Newt interviews Dr. Arturo Casadevall about convalescent plasma treatments for critical COVID-19 patients. Could it help save lives?

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Newt's Latest Audio:

Audio: Newt on The Sean Hannity Radio Show | April 23, 2020

Newt and Sean discuss the latest with coronavirsus, China's cover-up of the situation and how to re-build the economy.

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Trump Vs. China

Newt Gingrich’s TRUMP VS CHINA will serve as a rallying cry for the American people and a plan of action for our leaders in government and the private sector. Written in a language that every American can understand, but still rich in detail and accurate in fact, TRUMP VS CHINA will lay out China’s multi-pronged attack against the United States and what we must do to combat it.

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Order Shakedown: A Novel by Newt Gingrich and Pete Earley

New York Times best-selling authors Newt Gingrich and Pete Earley are back with SHAKEDOWN, the second in their riveting series of ripped-from-the-headlines political thrillers featuring Valerie Mayberry and Brett Garrett. As this unlikely pair—a disgraced former FBI agent and a dishonorably discharged ex-Navy SEAL— team to avert a deadly crisis with Iran, they once again operate outside official channels, caught between competing world powers as they race to avoid both an international incident and certain danger to themselves.

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Hail to the Chief

Ellis the Elephant is back, and he’s headed to the White House! In Hail to the Chief, the sixth in Callista Gingrich’s New York Times best-selling series, Ellis meets some of America’s greatest presidents and discovers how they have led our country throughout American history.

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