Four years ago, Senator Chuck Schumer stood at a rally outside the Supreme Court and threatened Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh. He promised that they would pay the price and wouldn’t know what hit them.
It appears that he’s finally trying to fulfill those promises.
On August 1, Majority Leader Schumer and 23 senators introduced the deceptively named “No Kings Act.” The name may be clever and sound innocent enough, but that is far from the truth.
This legislation would not only delegitimize the highest court in the nation, it would completely undermine the Constitution.
To help you understand what this legislation will mean for the future of our country, watch this crucial message from First Liberty President and CEO Kelly Shackelford.
Kelly is one of the country’s foremost experts on our Supreme Court. He has argued before the Supreme Court justices and is on the Board of Trustees of the United States Supreme Court Historical Society. You won’t want to miss his critical analysis.

When it comes to “court reform”, radical politicians have made clear that “everything is on the table.” From court packing to Biden’s plan to purge justices from the Court, there’s nothing the radical Left won’t try to circumvent the Constitution.
And now the so-called “No Kings Act” is just the next scheme to take control of the Supreme Court…by any means necessary.
Americans who care about their freedoms need to speak up and stand up against this attempted Supreme Court Coup.
Forward this email to your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. More Americans need to know the threat this scheme poses.
If we work together, we can save the priceless heritage of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Will you join First Liberty as we fight to preserve the independence of our judiciary and save America?