Greetings Comrades,
I am writing to request your support for the College of DuPage Faculty Association in the midst of their negotiations with the college's board.
During difficult financial times, nearly half of CODFA faculty agreed to put their students first and have their salaries frozen. Those salaries remain frozen and it’s now the board’s responsibility to make things right with the faculty and ultimately for the students.
We are asking that West Suburban Illinois DSA members and friends join CODFA and IEA brothers and sisters to rally in support of a fair contract. We will meet at College of DuPage at 6:15PM on Thursday, August 15, ahead of the COD BOE meeting. Please come and stand with the faculty association in solidarity. Help protect the profession and keep our community colleges strong!
Details can be found at Action Network or on Facebook.
In Solidarity,
David Huseth
Internal Organizer
West Suburban Illinois Democratic Socialists of America