What happened last Friday was a clear affront to fairness and has serious consequences for democracy in the Granite State.
All On The Line
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The New Hampshire Governor just vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have created an independent redistricting commission. The bill had strong public support. It even passed unanimously in the state senate.

Governor Sununu apparently wants to perpetuate a system where politicians pick their voters -- rather than adopt a commonsense reform to end partisan gerrymandering. This veto is as clear an affront to fairness as I have ever seen and has serious consequences for democracy.

We need to hold politicians accountable when they put politics before people. It's the only way we can fight to make sure our voices are heard and our maps are fair.

Donate to All On The Line today to send Governor Sununu a clear message: when politicians stand in the way of fairness, this grassroots army will be there to fight back.

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Earlier this summer, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger cosigned an op-ed supporting this reform effort in New Hampshire. They noted that -- even though they represent two different parties -- ending gerrymandering should transcend ideology. The government should work for all people -- not just those with special connections and deep pockets. But that's exactly what happens when politicians are allowed to draw unfair maps that keep their party in power. Rather than listening to voters, these politicians can be bought by special interest groups.

Redistricting reform can put an end to this era of hyper-partisan division. By creating independent commissions, states can ensure maps are fair and don't tilt the scales for the party in power to remain in power. With fair maps, politicians will need to win the support of voters through their ideas and policies in elections. And then be accountable to those values while in office -- rather than sitting back and knowing their seat will be a safe win in the next election.

What happened in New Hampshire last week could happen anywhere. In fact, a similar bipartisan reform bill was passed by voters in Michigan -- and now, despite widespread public support, it's facing legal opposition by Republicans who are afraid fair maps would loosen their grip on power.

We need a strong nationwide grassroots movement to show that there will be accountability when elected officials like Governor Sununu stand in the way of fair redistricting. If you support fair maps and truly representative democracy, show your support by donating to All On The Line.

New Hampshire, like many states, has a gerrymandering problem. We had the chance to make real structural change to fix that problem. And with one veto, the governor just undermined that effort and ensured gerrymandering will prevail in the redistricting process -- unless we come together and demand change.

We can't let politicians continue to rig elections in their favor. The redistricting process might start in 2021, but the fair for fair maps has is already underway.

Thanks for joining us in this fight,
-- Biz

John Bisognano
Executive Director

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.

Paid for by The National Redistricting Action Fund.

Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible.

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