Committee seats approved based on how much money you raise. Special interests running the show. A system so broken politicians admit that even they can't fix it — only we can. 

We aren't exaggerating; those are literally things retiring members of Congress said as they sat down for exit interviews with the New York Times and spoke freely about the root causes of dysfunction and corruption in our political system. 

Image of Joshua Graham Lynn in front and color, with members of Congress in the background in black and white. Congress Admits Our System is Broken. They Can't Fix It, We Have To

So since these members of Congress are asking us to fix it…challenge accepted 😊

Our plan is simple, but it's going to take all of us working together to make it happen:

  1. Crack down on corruption by passing strong campaign finance, ethics and lobbying laws
  2. Make elections more representative through Ranked Choice Voting and Top 4/5 primaries
  3. End partisan gerrymandering by implementing Independent Redistricting Commissions

So when they say only we can fix our broken political system, OK! Together, we will.

Thanks for being a part of the fight. 



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RepresentUs brings conservatives and progressives together to fight corruption.
RepresentUs, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100