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Setting our direction

Cover of mySociety's strategy 2022-2027

Here at mySociety, we know where we're going, and how we're going to get there.

And now, so can you, because we've just published our organisational strategy!

Discover our vision for a transparent, resilient democracy — and how we plan to make that a reality in the face of the challenges of these times, like the climate emergency. Dip in for a quick and illuminating read at


Under-qualified staff cover for doctors in NHS surgeries & hospitals

Medical staff discuss x rays on a screen. Image via Unsplash by Accuray.

We were fascinated to see it unfold: a campaign using WhatDoTheyKnow alongside Reddit, to challenge responses to Freedom of Information requests.

PA Project Watch is a grassroots group of medical staff, concerned about the increasing usage of Physician Associates to cover shortfalls of fully-qualified doctors. When they received an FOI response telling them that PAs were not used in one hospital, they were able to ask the r/UKDoctors subreddit... members of whom just happened to work at the hospital in question. Get the full story here.

A bridge over a reiver in Durham. photo via Unsplash by  David Ross

One good thing leads to another

Fiona Dyer from Durham told us how her concerns around the climate crisis led her to volunteer for the Scorecards project, helping to assess councils' Climate Action Plans.

But she didn't stop there! The knowledge and confidence she'd gained found her leading on another significant local climate action. To find out what that was, read Fiona's story here.

Would you rather these blog posts were videos? Audio?

TikTok greenscreen video of Myf in front of a blog postWe're experimenting a bit at mySociety, trying out different formats to see which ones best suit your needs. So, for the next few months, whenever we write a blog post, we're also recording a short video version as well. We're adding these to the blog posts, and collecting them together on YouTube, too.

Not only that; we're putting the audio out at the end of each month via the main podcasting platforms, in case you prefer to listen.

Again, this is a small experiment, so please do let us know how you like to consume our news!

mySociety websites in a fan-shaped array

Help us work towards a more resilient, transparent democracy

At mySociety we're very busy all the time, making democracy more accessible to everyone, and providing the tools to help people play an active part in society.

If you can help us out, please do head to our secure donate page. Every contribution helps us to work harder and faster towards a better, more inclusive society. Thank you.


Lego, data, and closing
the feedback loop 

As you may have noticed, we're big on Open Data at mySociety — and the same goes for our commercial arm, SocietyWorks, too.

Head of Development Matthew enjoyed two days at the Open Data Camp unconference in Manchester last month. He's written it all up, together with some helpful images from the conference's graphic scribe, in this post.

A neon light in a darkened window, reading 'what's your story?'. Photo by Etienne Girardet via Unsplash

Share your stories and get WhatDoTheyKnow Pro credit

Are you using our WhatDoTheyKnow Pro service to inform your newspaper stories, research papers or campaigns? We want to know!

Add a link from FOI requests on WhatDoTheyKnow Pro, and you'll get credit towards your subscription. Here are all the details.

A group of people who run Access to Information sites

The Access to Information community come together — IRL

With so many Access to Information folks in London for the TICTeC conference, there was an unmissable chance to come together and discuss ... well, everything, really, from the many challenges of running an ATI site to the ways in which we can mutually support one another.

We've written a short summary of the conversations here; and if you'd like more detail, follow the link from that post to Matt Stempeck's in-depth one.

Meanwhile, here's a summary of everything our amazing European ATI partners have achieved this month... or watch Jen's video summary. If you're on the fence about video posts, this might be the one to persuade you!

You know us - but your friends and family might not

Five mySociety services

We've made a bunch of simple graphics that help spread the word about what mySociety's services do.

As you're already a bona fide mySociety follower, we'd LOVE it if you could share these graphics — whether that be on social media, in a community newsletter, or printed out and pinned to a local noticeboard.

The graphics are all in this public folder, and if you need help downloading them, instructions are here. Thank you very much!

Also, don't forget to point friends, family — anyone! — to the mySociety Toolkit where they can sign up to receive a series of emails explaining tips and tricks for getting the most from mySociety's services.

What we're reading

Help us send you the emails you want to read

seven different people, representing different types of reader

We do a lot of different things here at mySociety, and we appreciate that not everyone will be interested in every single part of it.

So if you've got a minute, please tell us a bit more about yourself, and we'll work towards sending you the stuff you really want to read.

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mySociety is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) and a limited company (03277032).
Through our trading subsidiary SocietyWorks (05798215) we also provide commercial services.
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Image credits: Medical staff - Accuray; Durham Bridge - David Ross; Neon light - Etienne Girardet