Canadian mining giant Belo Sun wants to build a giant open-pit gold mine right in the heart of the Amazon that would destroy acres of precious rainforest and poison the vital Xingu River.
But there’s still time to stop it!
Locals have managed to stall the project – for now. But to stop the mine for good, they need to challenge Belo Sun in court and have only a small window of time to do it.
They don’t have enough funds yet – but with just 7500 of us chipping in, we could give them the cash boost they need to get this court case over the finish line.
Right now, we’re their best hope. Can you help stop the mine to save the Amazon?
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If allowed to go ahead, this monstrous mine would be a complete catastrophe for local communities who depend on the Amazon for their survival.
Toxic mining waste like cyanide would be dumped into the Xingu River, poisoning a major water source in the world’s largest rainforest and destroying fisherfolk and riverine communities’ livelihoods. It’s scandalous, and our brave partners are working round the clock to pressure Brazil’s land reform authority to reverse this deadly plan it agreed to under Bolsonaro.
With a new government in power that says it’s committed to protecting the Amazon rainforest, our partners have a real chance of getting this Bolsonaro-era decision reversed in court.
But with billions of dollars at stake, Belo Sun isn’t going to give up so easily. Local communities need cash to make sure they can fight Belo Sun at every turn – in court, on the streets, and in the boardroom.
If all of us chip in, we can:
- Power local communities’ legal fights, paying for lawyers and court fees.
- Pay for researchers to carry out environmental impact assessments of the mine.
- Launch media-grabbing stunts at Belo Sun’s annual shareholder meeting.
…and more!
Together, we could flip the script on the tired old story of multi-billion dollar mining giants ripping up our planet and destroying entire communities in the Global South with impunity.
Can you chip in to help locals save their lands, and the Amazon rainforest?
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