Dr. Diana Wu is back answering your questions in Rewire.News.
Email from Physicians for Reproductive Health

Dear John,

One of our dedicated Fellows, Dr. Diana Wu, is back to answer more of your questions about COVID-19 and its impact on reproductive health care. Read her latest Q&A with Rewire.News.

With many of us social distancing for weeks now, you may have new questions about how and when to access reproductive health care from home or in your community. Dr. Wu discusses birth control, abortion care, birth care, fertility treatments, and sexually transmitted infections.

Rewire.News Screenshot

Our advocates across the country like Dr. Wu are working overtime to share the facts about reproductive health care. If you’re able, can you make an urgent donation to Physicians today?

Your gift will ensure these doctors continue to have the resources and one-on-one support they need to speak out. 

Our physician advocates are committed as ever to continue bringing you the latest updates from the frontlines of reproductive health care.

With gratitude for your ongoing support,

Signature of Kelsey Brill

Kelsey Brill
Assistant Director, Voice