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Editor's Note:

Radicals in the education establishment always hope we won't be paying attention to their attempts to infuse school curricula with leftist propaganda, as can be seen in the new Advanced Placement African-American Studies course. As Jane Robbins explains, nothing about this AP course is balanced or complete because it leaves out important scholarly work from some of the most prestigious conservative black thinkers in our history. Several states have realized the problems and have rejected the course for their schools. Others like Georgia have now caved to leftist pressure. Because of political ideology, our best and brightest high school students are being robbed of the quality education they deserve. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
More States Reject College Board’s Politicized Dual-Credit Classes
August 14, 2024

Under the leadership of Common Core czar David Coleman, the College Board has been creating or rewriting Advanced Placement (AP) courses to reflect a leftist worldview. AP courses such as U.S. History and European History now push a decidedly left-of-center narrative that conflicts with traditional scholarship and introduces a de facto national curriculum for the advanced students who populate AP classes.

But some states are beginning to challenge the woke-ification of AP.

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