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Aug. 14, 2024

LCB Board Action: Rulemaking Initiated on HB 2204 on Emergency Liquor Permits


On August 14, 2024, during its regularly scheduled meeting the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) took the following action:


Emergency Liquor Permits: New rulemaking initiated


The Board approved a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR 101) to consider amending rules and repealing, amending, or creating other rule sections in Title 314 WAC, as necessary to implement House Bill 2204 (chapter 91, Laws of 2024), codified at RCW 66.20.010(19), which authorizes the LCB to issue Emergency Liquor Permits to liquor manufacturers when they are unable to access their premises or operate due to an emergency or road closure.



More information is available on the LCB Current Rulemaking Activity webpage. If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please contact rules@lcb.wa.gov.

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