Tell Congress: We demand more in response to COVID-19 >>

Should I pay for rent or food? If I had an unwanted pregnancy right now, what could I do? Can I afford to take a sick day from work? Should I risk getting sick to go out and vote?

This is where we’re at in the COVID-19 crisis, y'all. The richest country on the planet is forcing its families to make impossible, even deadly, decisions.

Women are shouldering the brunt of it—especially women of color. We’re the majority of those working on the front lines to keep people alive and fed. We’re caring for our kids. We’re most likely to lose our jobs because of this crisis.

Congress knows all of this, but they haven’t done anything about it. They’re letting women and families struggle while giving bailouts to corporations. They’re letting anti-abortion politicians exploit this crisis to attack our rights. They’re standing by as voters risk their lives to cast their ballots.

The next COVID-19 relief package MUST right these wrongs. We’ve teamed up with like-minded organizations to fight for women because our collective power is urgently needed right now. 

Read our coalition’s five demands and add your name right now.

This is a moment when we must be speaking in unison in our loudest voice — and we need you, your friends, and your family to join us. We won’t stop fighting until our voices are heard.  Add your name to the list of demands now, then pass this on to at least three more people:

When more people like you take action, the louder our voices become. That only makes it harder for Congress to ignore us.

xx Team Abortion AF


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