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August 14, 2024

Community Justice Sites

Learning for Justice: The Road to 60 Freedom Summer Session

We are piloting our Community Justice Sites programming at the SPLC’s Road to 60 Summit in Mississippi (Aug. 15 to 17). Community Justice Sites are Freedom Schools and Citizenship Schools for everyone. When we “learn for justice,” we center learning to inform our action for liberation and justice in our communities. 

This pilot session introduces our Youth Learning for Justice modules. Through education that teaches honest history, introduces servant leadership and provides entry into the movement for social justice, we aim to help young people realize their power to shape the future. These learning modules cultivate learning, reflection and action.

New Learning Modules

Introduction to Action Planning

This learning module offers a structure to introduce planning action for change. The steps can be used for individual or collective planning.

Freedom Summer and Today’s Election Process

Freedom Summer 1964 was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement, especially for voting rights. This learning module provides an overview of Freedom Summer and actions for being involved in today’s election process.

Strategies of the Civil Rights Movement

Our goal is not simply to learn about the Civil Rights Movement but to learn from the movement. This learning module examines the questions: How did people organize, and what strategies did they use in this movement to change society?

Learning for Justice Magazine

Subscribe to receive the Fall 2024 Issue!

Our Fall 2024 magazine is coming in October. Subscribe today for your free copy. And visit the magazine archive to read and download complete copies of all our issues, from our most recent 2022 and 2023 editions (pictured above) to our older Teaching Tolerance back issues.

News: Changes to Learning for Justice

As LFJ repositions itself to be more responsive to the communities we serve in our Deep South states, our resources and strategies focused on building capacity in the South will also support the national movement for racial justice and equality. Read the statement about coming changes to the program.

Visit our website to learn more about LFJ’s focus as a community education program that cultivates and nurtures dialogue, learning, reflection and action from those closest to and harmed most by injustices in the South. Read about our new Community Justice Sites. We will continue to update the About LFJ page as we introduce new projects.

Resource Spotlight

Tips for Advocating for Inclusive Education

Justice. Equity. Diversity. Inclusivity. These are the foundational principles of a thriving, multiracial and inclusive democracy. To build a more just future, we need inclusive education. This resource article includes recommendations to help you advocate for inclusive education.

The South’s Got Now | Decidimos

The SPLC’s The South’s Got Now | Decidimos bilingual campaign is uniting voters from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi in a movement to show that together, we can forge the change we wish to see in our communities. 

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Montgomery, AL 36104
334-956-8200 | learningforjustice.org

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