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Dear Friend,

This week, NCLEJ delivered Oral Arguments in our class action lawsuit seeking to reopen a years-long New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) investigation into the stolen wages of homecare workers who were forced to work 24-hour shifts for only 13 hours of pay.

We were proudly joined by nearly 100 homecare workers represented in our lawsuit. These workers, the majority of whom are women of color and immigrants, were subjected to unlawful working conditions that have in some cases led to permanent disability. They are owed tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars each.

A large crowd of homecare workers in a wooded area near the Albany County Courthouse, posing for a photo in solidarity.

We are demanding that all unpaid wage claims be investigated fully so that homecare workers can get full restitution for their hours worked. We will continue to hold NYSDOL accountable to enforce the law.

NCLEJ’s legal advocacy impacts the lives of hundreds of thousands of people across the nation. But here’s the truth – we couldn’t continue our work without the support of advocates like you.

Cases like these require serious commitment and funding over the long term. If you want to support our efforts to advocate for low-income workers and fight back against wage theft, you can make the difference by donating to NCLEJ today. Your contribution will help us fund our existing work, expand our team, take on more cases, and ultimately secure more legal victories for vulnerable communities.

Thank you,

Dennis Parker
Executive Director, NCLEJ

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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