Once again, we have a choice to make about our shared future.


There are so many parallels between the climate crisis and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Black and Brown communities are at the frontlines bearing the brunt. Corporate profit is being put before human life. And national governments continue to protect Big Oil and Gas. 

It’s sickening and disheartening but we can’t give up.

While the coronavirus crisis is new and certainly unprecedented, we have seen these dirty games before. We’ve seen fossil fuel executives put profit over people time and time again holding our governments and communities hostage.

But John, thanks to your support, the 350.org community isn’t slowing down or giving up. We’re fighting back every day while finding new ways to organize across the globe as millions around the world stay home. 

We need your help more than ever. The climate crisis won’t stop and neither can we. Can you chip in a few dollars right now to support the fight?

The coronavirus crisis is not affecting everyone equally. Communities made vulnerable by systemic failure over decades are being set up to take on more of the burden as essential workers as bailout money is handed over to the fossil fuel industry. We need a justice-centered Just Recovery that contributes to the end of business as usual, and we need it fast.

If there ever was a moment to rethink the structures and systems we live our lives in, it is now. Now is all the time we have to come together and demand protection for human lives and for dignity and respect over corporate profit!

Can you make a contribution to 350.org’s work today and tell the fossil fuel billionaires we won’t back down?

We demand a just and equitable world free from the threat of increased pandemic and a growing climate crisis. We deserve a safe and habitable planet for absolutely everyone. 

We’re in this together. As always we are grateful for your support.

Tamara and the 350.org team

350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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