Brothers and Sisters,


Here are 5 things you have to know about California Labor this Month!

1. Sign Up for Campaign Academies 


California Labor knows that we need to give Kamala the House she deserves. That means we need to win an unprecedented number of Congressional Seats in California. We also have local priorities in every part of the State. We know that our members want to hear from us at the worksite. Want to learn the basics of political organizing in the workplace and how to talk to other union members about our priority races? Sign up for a Campaign Academy in your region!

2. End Those Captive Audience Meetings - August 20th Lobby Day 


Anyone who has been involved with a union election probably knows about the power of the boss to force workers to sit through hours, if not days, of anti-union propaganda meetings. We are trying to pass SB 399 (by Senator Aisha Wahab) which would prevent employers from requiring workers to sit through them. We need to get it off the Assembly and Senate floors by the end of this month. Want to help? JOIN US NEXT TUESDAY AUGUST 20 IN SACRAMENTO FOR A LOBBY DAY TO END CAPTIVE AUDIENCE MEETINGS! Sign up here.

3. Spend Labor Day with Your Union Family  


Labor Day is just around the corner on September 2nd! Do you want to join with other union members, leaders, and rank & file members to celebrate the greatest holiday in California? Find an event in your area.

4. Save the Date - Labor’s 2025 Joint Legislative Conference


Hot off the presses, we now have the dates for our Joint Legislative Conference that we hold annually with the State Building and Construction Trades. This year, it will run from the evening of Monday, May 12th, 2025 through Thursday, May 15th, 2025. Our lobby day will be on Wednesday this year! Make sure to block it on your calendar because it will be the best one yet!

5. ICYMI - Highlights of the Endless Union Summer Convention


Our 2024 Convention was absolutely awe-inspiring. You can see photos here. Big changes approved by delegates include a new officer structure, a larger and more diverse Executive Council, an updated Constitution, a new name for the Federation (we are now the California Federation of Labor Unions!) and a ton of endorsements. You can see those here.

In Solidarity,