Dear Friend, |
Oceanic whitetip sharks were once one of the most abundant sharks in the ocean. Sadly, due to overfishing, the global population has plummeted by 80-99% over the past 60 years and is teetering toward extinction. |
The National Marine Fisheries Service has proposed a rule that would give oceanic whitetip sharks additional protections under the Endangered Species Act, but the federal agency needs to hear from you by September 15. |
Unsustainable industrial fishing is one of the main culprits for oceanic whitetip shark deaths. Fishing fleets that use gear like pelagic longlines (comprised of dozens of miles of fishing lines dangling thousands of baited hooks) and purse seines (giant nets used to surround entire schools of tuna and other fish) are especially deadly for oceanic whitetips. |
While fisheries regulations prohibit many federally managed fishing fleets in the U.S. from intentionally catching and keeping oceanic whitetip sharks, they still allow some fisheries to catch them. In addition, oceanic whitetips are also threatened by excessive bycatch — i.e. being caught, injured, and sometimes killed by fishing gear used to catch other species, like tuna. Once caught, a shark may struggle for hours and die. Even if it is released alive, it may die later from stress, infection, or injury. |
Even though oceanic whitetips have been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act since 2018, that law does not automatically protect threatened species from being caught, injured, or harassed. It also doesn’t prohibit people from selling or buying parts of threatened species like fins, teeth, or meat. |
Recognizing that fishing and trade are still a major threat to this species, the Fisheries Service is considering stronger protections for oceanic whitetip sharks. |
The proposed rule — called a “4(d) rule” after a section of the Endangered Species Act — would protect oceanic whitetips from the main threats that have led to their decline. |
This extra protection is needed for these sharks to survive. Tell the Fisheries Service to finalize this rule as soon as possible and take all necessary steps within its power to ensure the recovery of the oceanic whitetip shark. |
Andrea Treece
Senior Attorney
Oceans Program |

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Photo Credits: The oceanic whitetip shark’s population has 80-99% over the past 60 years. (Kaikea Nakachi) |
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