Pictured: (Left) NRCAT's Michael Saavedra speaks at the Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration conference in Dallas in June. (Right) Senator Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock looks on as NRCAT's Johnny Perez speaks during the conference.

Dear Friends,

With a busy summer so far, August continues to present significant opportunities for NRCAT to engage with our interfaith membership in campaigns to end torture, and we want to share some past highlights and upcoming opportunities with you. 

In July: The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) passed a resolution calling for an end to the torture of solitary confinement. At its 226th General Assembly in Salt Lake City, The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) became the most recent religious denomination to adopt a "Resolution On Ending Solitary Confinement." The resolution urges all Presbyterians to call upon their elected officials to end prolonged solitary confinement in city, state, and federal prisons, jails, and detention centers. Among those who spoke in favor of the resolution was Rev. Ellen L. Keyser of the John Knox Presbytery, who drew from her work as a hospital chaplain and a minister as she powerfully shared about having seen first-hand the emotional and physical toll of solitary confinement on those to whom she ministers. NRCAT’s press release is available here.

Upcoming on August 22: Join us for a Freedom Summer Conversation: Prison Labor and Prison ConditionsNRCAT is a founding member of the Multifaith Initiative (MFI) to End Mass Incarceration and building on this collaboration, Johnny Perez, the Director of NRCAT's U.S. Prisons Program, will host an upcoming conversation with panelists: Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Advocacy Director of the Washington Office of Public Witness and the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations; Bianca Tylek, Founder and Executive Director of Worth Rises; and Kiana Calloway, a core member and former employee of VOTE (Voice of the Experienced) and advocate in Louisiana. RSVP for the webinar to be held on August 22nd at 6:30pm ET / 3:30pm PT.

Also, with Multifaith Initiative (MFI) in June: Johnny Perez and Michael Saavedra from the NRCAT national staff traveled to Dallas, Texas for the "Let My People Go" MFI UnConference. Johnny and Michael led a session titled "The Power of the Teach-in: Leveraging Film to Advance Legislation" in which they screened NRCAT’s documentary film, Torture in Our Name, and three short films from the NRCAT Humans Out of Solitary series. Johnny also participated in a "Strategic Policy Conversation" with Senator Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock and others, where they discussed the importance of advocating for legislative and policy change with clergy, faith and community leaders, organizers, families, and persons impacted by incarceration.

Upcoming on August 19 in Sacramento, CA: NRCAT and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights are collaborating with the California Mandela Campaign to host an interfaith vigil! For those in California, we invite you to join NRCAT staffers Rev. Ron Stief and Michael Saavedra as they gather with California clergy and faith leaders, solitary survivors and their loved ones, in an Interfaith Vigil to kick off the California Mandela Campaign’s Day of Action in support of the California Mandela Act on Solitary Confinement. 

The 9am Interfaith Prayer Vigil launches the day’s activities, co-creating a sacred space to pray for survivors of solitary confinement. Faith communities will gather in solidarity with solitary survivors, political leadership and others at the California State Capitol Park Southwest Lawn on August 19th from 9am-9:45am in support of the California Mandela Act, a bill that would severely limit the use of solitary confinement in California prisons. Solitary confinement is a moral emergency. Too many have suffered under the cruel and destructive punishment of solitary, and we as faith leaders unite to say End Solitary Now! RSVP to participate in the interfaith vigil.

Following the interfaith prayer vigil, a day of action is being organized by the California Mandela Campaign, which includes a 10am rally, press conference, and lobbying. 

We hope you find community and opportunities for collaboration in these resources and events! Thank you for all you do to build a torture-free future for all.

In community,
The NRCAT Team

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
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