Demand the DC gov. to negotiate a fair transfer of DC Circulator to MetroBus!

Dear Friend,


You may have heard the DC Circulator is going away, and you may be wondering: what is going to happen to those routes, facilities, and workers? The truth is that Mayor Bowser and the DC Department of Transportation have the power to negotiate a takeover of Circulator by WMATA, but they have so far refused to act. Workers and riders deserve better than that: send a letter to the mayor and DDOT calling on them to transfer Circulator to WMATA now!

For years, ATU Local 689 members have provided top-notch service to DC residents, commuters, and visitors through the DC Circulator. Now, with Circulator service slated to be eliminated, it’s time to do right and make sure that riders, workers, and service don’t get left behind. Tell Mayor Bowser and DDOT: CUT OUT THE GAMES.



In solidarity,

Eduarda Serafim

Solidarity Organizer

DC Jobs With Justice