Project 2025 is not a threat, it’s a promise.

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

The people behind Project 2025 are hiding a key part of their dangerous manifesto.

They’ve touted a “secret” 180-day action plan to overhaul every federal agency and fundamentally reshape our democracy as we know it. And they refuse to release it to the public.

They claim it’s too controversial. If it’s too controversial to share, then maybe it shouldn’t be the guidebook for our country?

I’ve been sounding the alarm on this far-right manifesto for months — and now I’m demanding answers along with my colleagues in Congress. Our offices are increasingly hearing from constituents who are worried about the impact Project 2025 will have on our future, and the harm it will cause to their families and their communities.

It is time to stop hiding what could very well be the most radical, extreme, and dangerous parts of Project 2025. We need answers, and we need them now. Will you chip in today to help me fight for transparency and to keep these policies from harming our democracy?


From the more than 900 pages that have already been published, we know that Project 2025 would have devastating impacts on our reproductive rights, our education, our LGBTQIA+ rights, our economy, our environment, and our fundamental freedoms. And now, my colleagues and I are calling on the leader of the Heritage Foundation to meet with us and discuss their undisclosed 180-day playbook, because Congress and the people deserve to have a complete and fully informed understanding of how Project 2025 would impact them.

Project 2025 is not just a threat, it’s a promise.

And we can’t let their vision for America become our reality. We need to fight for progressive policies that help, not harm.

I’m fighting hard to make sure this promise of theirs becomes unrealized. Can you please pitch in today to fuel this fight to save our democracy?

