Boycott War Profiteers Orientation
This Wednesday (8/14)

6 - 7:30pm

Join the Palestinian Solidarity Working Group for an orientation to our Boycott War Profiteers Campaign!

Learn how you can help build the movement to boycott and divest from companies linked to Israel’s genocide in Gaza and support Palestinian liberation. This orientation will be held on zoom.


Let’s Celebrate Sending Shaun Scott to the General Election!
Post Primary Election Social

This Friday, 8/16

6 - 9PM
RSVP for address!

We’ve all been hard at work for months to help sending Shaun Scott to the general. We’re thrilled with the results from the primary, and it’s thanks to your efforts that we can celebrate, recharge, and get ready for the general now.


Seattle DSA Annual Summer Picnic!

This Saturday, 8/17

4 - 8PM

Jefferson Park Shelter #03 (3801 Beacon Ave S)

Join us at Jefferson Park Shelter #03 to celebrate our work at the DSA Summer Picnic! We kindly ask that anyone who wants to contribute to the potluck to bring pre-cooked/ pre-package food items. Drinks and lawn games to be provided.


Check out YOUR Chapter business page (

  • August 25th, 11:59PM: Bylaws amendments are due
  • September 3rd, 11:59PM: Resolutions are due
  • September 10th: Two week notice email.
  • September 21st, 11:59PM: Amendments are due.
  • September 22nd: Credentials sent out.
  • September 24th, 7-9PM: Business Meeting


resolutions form

bylaws changes
