April 27, 2020
The Virginia Mercury recently published an article regarding the effort in Virginia to have inspections at the notorious Envgio beagle breeding prison. The story included the following from the bill’s sponsor:
"Sen. Jennifer Boysko, D-Fairfax County, offered a bill during this year’s legislative session that would have outlawed such breeding facilities."
"Boysko introduced the legislation after viewing a drone video of the Covance compound in Cumberland that was posted on YouTube by an animal rights group. It showed dogs crowded into feces-strewn wire-fence pens, most of them barking or yelping, some fighting, and others pacing nervously."
The links in the story go right to SHARK’s video we captured last summer at the facility and then to our website. There’s no question then that our powerful drone video was the reason that legislation was introduced to shut this horrendous breeding prison down.

It is tremendously gratifying to know that our hard work for these dogs (see picture above) spurred such public outrage and legislation against this facility.
If you’ve been a supporter of SHARK, then you too should feel pride that your resources made this campaign possible. If you have not yet donated to SHARK, or want to help us even more, then please consider becoming a member of SHARK’s Drone Brigade.
***There is a new way for you to donate to these efforts and for us to acknowledge your support. We’ve created a “Chain of Command,” where you can donate and be publicly recognized for your efforts. However, if you do not want this public thanks, let us know and we can keep you anonymous.
Secretary of the SHARK Air Force: $15,000 +
Chief Master Sergeant of the SHARK Air Force: $10,000
Commander of the SHARK Air Force: $5,000
Squadron Commander: $1,000
Operations Officer: $999 and below
Your donation will go directly to purchasing and upkeep for our drones, as well as operational expenses for our drone missions. You can donate online HERE, or mail a donation to:
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness
PO Box 28
Geneva IL 60134
SHARK’s drones have proven to be a massively effective force for saving animals and exposing cruelty. We have no intention of resting on our laurels but instead we will continue to push forward and break new ground. Join the SHARK Air Force, and all these victories for animals will be yours!
Please share this email with your friends, family and any philanthropist you know. Let them see just how powerful SHARK’s work is and that we need their help so we can do even more.
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• You can also donate to us through the PayPal Giving Fund
• Purchase SHARK shirts, cups, bags and more at our Cafe Press store.
Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team