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Our Mrs. America: The Sister 

Since the release of FX/Hulu’s Mrs. America, Eagle Forum and those close to Phyllis have been busy telling the real story of who she was. The newest episode entitled “Betty,” characterized Phyllis as a racist.
In response to this claim, Eagle Forum released a detailed press release debunking the mischaracterization. Further, “Carol Felsenthal, a staunch liberal and ERA supporter who extensively researched Schlafly and wrote her biography, Sweetheart of the Silent Majority, worked in vain to find any evidence that Schlafly was racist. In an admirable example of bias disclosure, Felsenthal admits in the Forward to her book that she desperately tried to find some scandal to tarnish Schlafly’s reputation.  But that despite her best efforts to find evidence of Schlafly’s racism, there was none to be found.”
In addition, Engage with Eagle Forum hosts Glyn McKay and Tabitha Walter interviewed author and speaker Suzanne Venker, who is also the niece of Phyllis Schlafly. We further discredit the myths portrayed in Mrs. America and the feminist movement with anecdotal evidence from the life of Odile Mecker, Suzanne’s mother and the first female stockbroker in St. Louis. 
Liberal feminists claim that women are at a disadvantage compared to men. But, Odile, like Phyllis, had many great successes that were not hampered by her sex.

Learn the Truth about Phyllis Schlafly's life. Visit:
LISTEN: Our Mrs. America: The Sister
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From your house, to the state house, to the White House, this is Engage with Eagle Forum!

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