How to help Jewish students have a better, safer school year
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John, an ADL/Hillel survey of students said 73 percent — 73 percent! — of Jewish college students experienced or witnessed antisemitism last fall. The same survey found that before the Oct. 7 attack, 64 percent of Jewish students felt comfortable with others knowing that they are Jewish; afterwards, only 39 percent felt comfortable. This is appalling...

“E”, a student at a University of Maryland campus, confronted this surging antisemitism when his Jewish student group was blocked by protesters from being able to celebrate their culture at an event on campus. The message of the protesters to him, and to other Jewish and Israeli students was “we don’t want you here. We don’t accept you.” This must be stopped.

College should be a great experience for Jewish students — and for all students — so as they return to campuses, ADL brings you the tools to help. Below you’ll find helpful resources whether you’re a parent, an alum, a student or anyone who is concerned after the unprecedented, unacceptable surge in campus antisemitism.

We can’t do this alone. We demand an effective response from college and university leaders as well. ADL is joining with Hillel International, Jewish Federations of North America, American Jewish Committee and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations and a dozen more supporting partners to provide college administrations with comprehensive recommendations to combat antisemitism on campus.

Will you help us remind these campus leaders of their obligation to improve the campus climate? Click here to send an email to the colleges and universities you are connected to. Your email will help amplify our recommendations and can make a real difference.

Do More to Protect Jewish Students

Now is the time for all of us to step up to make every campus better for every student.

Thank you,
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Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director