Donate your used vehicle. Help save, protect, and care for wildlife.

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Your used vehicles can help change the future of conversation.
Dear John,
Did you know? Vehicles you no longer want can be a huge bonus for endangered wildlife. Donate your used car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat through San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s Cars for Conservation program. You’ll help make a lifesaving difference for thousands of species.
We make it so easy for you. Forget the hassle of selling your car. Instead, we’ll tow your vehicle away for free, and you’ll get a tax-deductible receipt. Just give us a call at (888) ZOO-CAR9 (888-966-2279) or submit a secure online donation form.
Donating your used vehicles will go towards fighting the wildlife trafficking crisis. Songbirds, tropical parrots, iguanas, spider monkeys, and even the cubs of big cats are taken from their native habitats and smuggled illegally to be sold as pets. You’ll support San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s efforts to rescue, care for, and find suitable habitats for confiscated wildlife.
Just think: your used car will help wildlife survive—and thrive—for generations to come.
Get your used vehicles moving in the right direction! All you have to do is submit a secure online donation form today or call (888) ZOO-CAR9 (888-966-2279). We’re available seven days a week.
Yours in conservation,
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
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Your support saves wildlife.
Donate with confidence. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is an international conservation nonprofit and a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID#
95-1648219. With more than 100 years of wildlife care expertise and partnerships around the globe, we are saving, protecting, and caring for species worldwide.
P.O. Box 120271, San Diego, CA 92112 | (619) 231-0251
©2024 San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. All rights reserved.