Dear Patriot,
Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100 or more now to get justice for January 6 peaceful protesters and set them free!
In this new episode of Special Prosecutor, my special guest is my good friend, Michael Pendleton. He’s a citizen's judge in the cases who convicted Joe Biden for bribery from communist China, Ukraine, and Russia, as well as for negligent homicide in Afghanistan.
Michael is an extremely intelligent and very knowledgeable lawyer with valuable insights.
Michael and I discuss a crucial question you’ll never hear asked by the mainstream media: Are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris directly or indirectly behind the attempted murder of Donald Trump? Tune in now to find out more:
I deeply appreciate your generous support!
In Justice,
Larry Klayman
Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc.
P.S. Patriot, the Biden criminal regime is sending innocent Americans to federal prison. But my new lawsuit can end that … and hold Joe Biden’s DOJ and FBI accountable! So please give at least a critical $25, $50, $100 or more right now.