Labor Solidarity, Rallies, and More!

🗓 What's Going On this Week? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

🌹 = Great for First-Timers!


🍻 DSA's Third Thursday Social: Eat, Drink, and Be Marxist 🍻

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Every Third Thursday, DSA members will gather at Red's Beer Garden, 1328 Boulevard SE, Atlanta, GA 30315, to socialize, make connections, and discuss the upcoming business for next Saturday's General Meeting. Be prepared to meet someone new, and drink responsibly! This event will officially end no later than 9pm, but may end earlier -- however, the beer garden stays open until 10.
This month's EDBM will take place Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 6 PM. RSVP below!

 🎨 Logo Redesign Contest! 🎨

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Are you an ATL DSA member who wishes our chapter had a neater logo? We want to see your ideas! Submit your logo designs by September 23, 2024. Upload your design and tell us why you think this should be our chapter's new logo.
How will the logo be chosen? We'll vote on the best design amongst the logo finalists at the September General Meeting! Once we've decided, we can print shirts, buttons, stickers, and more.

☎️ Weekly Socialist Slate Phonebanks ☎️

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This November, Atlanta DSA is putting forward a slate of Democratic Socialist candidates fighting for an Atlanta by and for the many, not the few. Join us for a weekly phonebank in support of our endorsed candidates Gabriel Sanchez and Devin Barrington-Ward! We'll be reaching out to volunteers and voters about our campaigns. Join us in person or on Zoom!


🌺Not Another Bomb Rally🌺

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Not Another Bomb! Free Palestine! Democratic Delegates are gathering in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention, but Atlanta is hitting the streets! Make the corporate democrats know that a change of name and a younger candidate does not change our demands! Kamala Harris must call for an Arms Embargo on ALL military aid to Israel to win an immediate, permanent ceasefire and a Free Palestine! Not Another Bomb! Ceasefire Now!
This rally is happening Sunday, August 18th at 12 PM at Liberty Plaza, Capitol Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30334

💪Workplace Roundtable💪

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Ever thought about organizing your workplace, but don't know where to start? Join ATL DSA's Labor Committee for an in-person workplace roundtable at 711 Catherine St SW every third Monday of the month from 7:30-9:00 PM.


This roundtable will be an informal discussion on workplace organizing strategies and what challenges people are facing in their own workplaces. Be prepared to introduce yourself and share your experiences and advice with comrades on having workplace organizing conversations, strategies, and more! This event is open to members and non-members of all levels of experience!


This month, on August 19th, we will be continuing Secrets of a Successful Organizer and learning from Lesson 4: Choosing an Issue, about who and where to organize on the job! You can purchase a copy of Secrets of a Successful Organizer at your next DSA event for $15.


🌹 General Meeting 🌹

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Join us, Saturday, August 24th, from 2 - 5 PM at 711 Catherine St SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, for Atlanta DSA's monthly General Meeting! We will hear the latest from our chapter's campaigns and committees, discuss current events in the chapter, and debate and vote on resolutions. All members are encouraged to attend!

The agenda will be available at approximately 1 week before the meeting.


🌹 New Member Orientation: What Is ATL DSA? 🌹

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What is Atlanta DSA? Whether you just joined DSA, you’re a longtime member looking to get more involved, or you want to know whether DSA might be your political home, this info session and Q&A will be a chance to learn more about socialism and DSA and to get an overview of our chapter.


Join us, Saturday, August 24th, from 2 - 3 PM at 711 Catherine St SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, to learn how you can get involved with fighting capitalism and building socialism in Metro Atlanta and beyond!


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few