Patriot, We NEED to ACT NOW! The Biden-Harris open border agenda has jeopardized U.S. national security by releasing illegal immigrants who are ON THE FBI TERRORIST WATCHLIST. These criminals are weaponizing our weakness at the border to enter our country because they know they can under the Democrats' watch. WE MUST FIGHT BACK! These terror watchlist immigrants apprehended at the border have been reported to be from at least 36 countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. This information was concealed, citing privacy concerns and "minimal public interest." I know you're as tired as I am of the Left's attempts to cover up the Biden-Harris crisis at the border. That's why I'm counting on your support to help expose their open border agenda and call for leadership to secure America once and for all! For Safety, Burgess Owens UT-04 |