Dear Patriot, You know me as the only lawyer ever to have had court find that a sitting president committed a crime. That was one Slick Willy Bill Clinton. I have also scored many other legal victories since I founded Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch. In all modesty, the list is too long for this letter. But never have you and I faced a dangerous situation as Americans now find themselves. This requires my and your complete attention and fearless dedication as the chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch. As you know on July 13, 2024, a young 20-year-old leftist punk attempted to assassinate President Donald J. Trump and to date We the People do not have any credible explanation from the Biden-Harris regime as to why Mr. Trump was provided with little to no protection. Instead, Biden and Harris, the new Democrat nominee, has tried to pass this off as simple incompetence of the Secret Service and local law enforcement. BUT HERE ARE THE FACTS OF LIFE, OR SHOULD I SAY THE FACTS OF DEATH, FELLOW PATRIOTS AND SUPPORTERS. IT IS APPARENT THAT THE BIDEN-HARRIS REGIME AND ITS DEEP STATE AGENTS IN THE SECRET SERVICE, FBI, CIA AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WANTED AND TOOK STEPS TO SEE PRESIDENT TRUMP MURDERED, AS BIDEN, AT THE TIME WAS BADLY TRAILING IN NATIONAL AND STATEWIDE POLLS. IN ADDITION, THE LAWFARE AND VILE ATTEMPTS TO DESTROY PRESIDENT TRUMP WITH PHONY CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS, CONVICTIONS AND CIVIL SUITS HAD FAILED. THUS, THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE; DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CREATE THE “GREEN LIGHT” CONDITION AND PAVE THE WAY FOR SOME FOREIGN GOVERNMENT FOE OR LEFTIST TO KILL PRESIDIENT TRUMP. Weeks before President Trump was shot by a 20-year-old leftist punk, the Biden-Harris regime knew that the Islamic Republic of Iran had a hit team to the United States to assassinate President Trump, as revenge for the Donald having ordered the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard who had ordered the deaths of so many Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan in particular. Why then was little to no security provided to President Trump given this intelligence. AGAIN, THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS! Could it be that the 20-year-old punk leftist shooter, Thomas Mathew Crooks, was recruited, trained and paid by the Iranians to kill the president? Or could it be that the assassination attempt was an inside job by the Biden-Harris regime. Either way, the Biden-Harris regime and the Democrats would have accomplished their mission; to have murdered their political opponent, allowing them to retain their virtual leftist dictatorship over We the People. This was a “clever” way to create plausible deniability and keep the proverbial blood off of their hands. Predictably, there has been no explanation coming from the Gestapo of the Biden-Harris FBI as to the shooter’s motive. How convenient, but this is nothing new about this corrupt government agency and others like it, such as the CIA, Department of Homeland Security run by the leftist Biden-Harris moron and ‘yes man’ Alejandro Mayorkas, which and who sits atop the Secret Service, and other corrupt criminal Biden-Harris Deep State government enterprises. This is not new or even unique to President Trump. Remember the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. To date, the FBI and the rest of our corrupt dishonest government has never given us an adequate explanation and indeed a plaque on the front of the Dallas School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas, admits that Lee Harvey Oswald was only the ALLEGED ASSASSIN OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY. Nor have there been adequate explanations for the motives of those persons who were alleged to have assassinated JFK’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy, and even his surviving son Robert “Bobby” Kennedy, Jr., does not believe that the killing was carried out by Sirhan Sirhan, who the FBI pinned the murder on. Then there was the murder of Martin Luther King. Again, the FBI found no clear motive and even up to today actual the killer is less than certain, many believing that James Earl Ray was framed. And lest we forget the FBI had falsely pinned the Atlanta Olympic Bombing on an innocent Richard Jewell, not allegedly finding the perpetrator of the attack that killed and wounded many innocent Americans. Then there was the earlier attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan by another young man, John Hinkley, whose only “motive” was a fixation on actress Jodie Foster, as claimed by the FBI. This fantasy hardly washes true. Add to this the anthrax attacks after September 11, 2001. There the FBI tried to pin them on two innocent persons, one who because so emotionally distressed that he committed suicide. Again, no perpetrator and no cited motive. Why is that? The anthrax, which was a bioweapon, was manufactured in a government laboratory in Ft. Dietrick, Maryland. So too were the SARs seeds of Covid-19, which Obama and Biden, the evil “Dr. Mengele” Anthony Fauci gave to the Communist Chinese with a U.S. taxpayer funded grant of 2.8 million USD to do more research in their bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China. To date, no motive or explanation for the root cause of the pandemic has come from the FBI and the rest of our corrupt government run by Biden-Harris and the leftist Democrats. Finally, there was the Las Vegas massacre by an individual named Stephen Paddock, most likely an FBI or other government agent. After the massacre, which killed 58 persons and seriously wounded scores, at a rock concert adjacent to the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino, the FBI raided his house in Mesquite, Nevada, and removed all of the evidence. No motive again and part of a historic cover-up by the FBI and other government agencies. Fellow patriots, unless your Freedom Watch and I step in, we will never get the truth about who was truly involved in attempting to assassinate President Trump, in particular since it was obviously an “inside job” perpetrated directly or indirectly by the Biden-Harris regime and the leftist Democrats. AND GOD FORBID, THEY ALMOST SUCCEEDED. ON JULY 13, 2024, IT WAS PRESIDENT TRUMP THAT WAS IN THE BIDEN-HARRIS AND LEFTIST DEMOCRAT CROSSHAIRS, BUT NOW IF WE DO NOT TAKE STRONG ACTION YOU, ME AND OUR LOVED ONES WILL BE THE TARGETS. WE ALL ARE AT GRAVE RISK AS THE “MAGA DEPLORABLES” THAT WE HAVE BEEN BRANDED AS BY THE EVIL LEFT. Indeed, if Trump somehow survives andmanages to win the 2024 presidential election, the leftist hordes will be in the streets attempting to harm if not kill all of us! You may remember the famous Oliver Stone film “JFK” with Kevin Costner, where the actor played the role of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. Garrison had uncovered with relentless investigation that Lee Harvey Oswald was a government scapegoat and not the assassin of President John F. Kennedy, but instead emanated from our own CIA, which thought Kennedy was soft on communism. Like Garrison, I firmly believe that the punk kid alleged leftist shooter is being made the scapegoat to shield the Biden regime and Joe Biden and newly crowned presidential candidate Kamala Harris from complicity in the attempted murder of President Donald Trump, again either through direct involvement or proxies such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. There is no doubt that the braindead criminal Joe Biden and his equally criminal wife Jill Biden, druggie son Hunter and now Kamala Harris had a motive to have President Trump assassinated to clear the way for their and the lefts continued virtual dictatorship over to destroy our Judeo-Christian and capitalist way of life. Since the corrupt FBI and other Deep State government agencies will cover-up this attempted murder, as they have everything else, it falls for your Freedom Watch and me, as the modern day equivalent of DA Jim Garrison, to investigate and to expose the truth and the real criminals. To this end, Freedom Watch and I have formed a Trump Assassination Task Force, and I pledge to you that we will leave no “Oliver Stone unturned”, ala Garrison, to bring the perpetrators of this heinous attempted assassination to justice, so help us God! And when we do Freedom Watch will have them indicted before its Citizens Grand Jury, tried in a Peoples Court, convicted, sentenced and put away for life. In a case styled United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 (1992), the late great conservative Justice Antonin Scalia ruled for the majority on the U.S. Supreme Court that the grand jury belongs to the American people not the three branches of government. As a result, We the People can mete out justice, despite there being a parallel means through an albeit corrupt Biden-Harris Department of Justice and its FBI. That is our right as Americans, particularly since the established legal system is so endemically corrupt. Just see what it attempted to do with President Donald Trump and the phony prosecutions by a “deranged” Special Counsel Jack Smith. Fellow patriots and supporters now is the time to rise up and bring these criminals to justice, to preserve the nation for ourselves and our loved ones, such as our children and grandchildren. We the People cannot and must not allow Biden and now Harris to retain their virtual dictatorship by killing their political opponent. It is not enough just to watch Fox News, drink martinis, and say let the Republicans on Capitol Hill to it. They have never accomplished anything in terms of justice; they simply use Democrat leftist scandals, as is true with the Biden crime family, to shake the money tree of campaign donations to enrich themselves. And make no mistake about it; Biden, Harris and the left will not stop. Like the Bolsheviks they are, these criminals believe, like the inventor of communism Karl Marx, that the ends justify any means, including the assassination and murder of President Donald Trump. Larry Klayman and Freedom Watch are not afraid, and you must not and cannot be afraid. Our beloved nation must be saved to protect the vision and creation of our Founding Fathers as the greatest country ever devised. PLEASE DONATE HEAVILY TO THIS CAUSE, AND OUR OTHER HARD-HITTING LEGAL ACTIONS OVER THE SHAM JANUARY 6 BIDEN-HARRIS PROSECUTIONS AND OTHER CORRUPT OUTRAGES, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC FROM THE EVIL CRIMINAL BIDEN-HARRIS DEMOCRATS AND LEFTISTS WHO RULE OVER US, BUT ONLY FOR NOW. THEY MUST BE PUT AWAY IN PRISON FOR LIFE, AS THAT IS WHERE THEY BELONG, AS THE EVIL DESCIPLES OF THE DEVIL THEY ARE! Freedom Watch and I need your strong financial support and tax-deductible contributions to hire more lawyers, paralegals, pay for more office space, defend conservative lawyers who leftist bar associations are trying to disbar so they cannot be challenged in court, and file more cases and convene Citizens Grand Juries to bring about justice and protect you, me and our loved ones from the leftist barbarian hordes that threaten our very lives. In Justice, ![]() Larry Klayman Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc. P.S. Freedom Watch urgently needs your strong support and prayers! Thank you from the bottom or our hearts. We are here for you and your loved ones, to protect your lives. Today it is President Donald Trump. Tomorrow it will be you who are in the Biden-Harris Democrat leftist crosshairs. WE MUST PREVENT THIS BY BRINGING THESE VILE CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE, SO HELP US GOD! |