
Good afternoon, and welcome to our Weekend Update.

On Tuesday, I joined our next Vice President, JD Vance, in Philadelphia for a rally supporting the Trump-Vance Campaign. Donald Trump and JD Vance are business-minded, commonsense, problem-solving conservatives. There was a great crowd, and I enjoyed seeing so many Pennsylvania patriots ready to vote for the Trump-Vance ticket. We are building a winning coalition, and I think we will surprise many people in November with the significant gains we have made in traditionally Democratic voting blocs... And unlike Kamala Harris, Senator Vance took questions from the press and answered them directly and with energy.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the most radically liberal, anti-growth politicians in the country. The contrast between our two choices in November could not be starker. Kamala Harris has no plan to improve our economy or national security or strengthen our nation. If she did, she would use the last five months of her vice presidency to implement policy changes rather than only offering empty words and rhetoric. I joined the “American Agenda” on Newsmax to discuss the clear choice Americans have to make at the ballot box. Click here or below to watch.

Kamala Harris’ decision to choose Tim Walz over Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro proves she is very comfortable with a Vice President whose ideology includes being a self-proclaimed socialist. They passed on Shapiro for several reasons, but glaringly, they passed on him because of his strong support for Israel. Frankly, that’s disgraceful. The Harris-Walz ticket will embody a radical San Francisco ideology and be dangerously liberal. It will include all the beliefs and positions Kamala Harris and Tim Walz voiced over the years.

These include open borders, decriminalizing illegal immigration, disbanding ICE, defunding the police, banning fracking, a DEI military, and a big-spending, big-government approach at the expense of the economy and working Americans. As a reminder, Kamala Harris not only encouraged rioters who burned and destroyed Minneapolis, but she also participated in a fund to bail them out, and it was Governor Walz who sat idly by as Minneapolis burned. He was even quoted as saying he was “proud” of the rioters. And just last week, Tim Walz said, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” The differences could not be starker. Trump-Vance are business-minded, commonsense conservatives who will strengthen America at home and abroad. Harris is ranked the most radical leftist in the U.S. Senate, along with Tim Walz, and together, they are a dangerously liberal tag team focused on their extreme ideology and not at all on outcomes that strengthen our country or favor the American people.

I joined Newsmax to discuss Kamala Harris’ dangerously liberal agenda, her selection of Governor Tim Walz as her running mate over Governor Shapiro, and more. Click here or below to watch.

Later in the week, I joined Newsmax again to discuss Harris’ decision to bypass Governor Shapiro in favor of an extremely liberal candidate like Tim Walz. Her decision is also a message from Team Harris that they do not care about Pennsylvania. Click here or below to watch.

I was also pleased to join Sean Spicer on “The Sean Spicer Show” to discuss the extreme policy positions of the Harris-Walz ticket. Click here or below to watch.

This week, I joined Bob Cordaro on WILK-FM. We discussed the dangerously liberal policies Kamala Harris has pushed throughout her political career, Tim Walz's embellishments about his military service, and Josh Shapiro's being passed over for VP, in large part because he supports Israel. Click here or below to listen.

Kamala Harris touts Bidenomics, but its legacy is one of reckless spending, a war on domestic energy, soaring taxes, and crippling regulations that stifle businesses. 

Harris plans to double down on these failed policies, a recipe for economic volatility in a landscape devoid of pro-growth measures. I joined "Mornings with Maria" on Fox Business to discuss further. Click here or below to watch.

The only path to real economic stability is to reimplement the previous administration’s pro-growth agenda, which promises to transform the United States into the world's most competitive place for business.

On Monday, I went to Wen-Crest farms in Lebanon County to discuss agriculture with U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick, U.S. Senator John Thune (SD), and Mike Firestine. This discussion, which Dave McCormick put together, touched on many important issues ranging from the Farm Bill to getting whole milk back in schools. Agriculture is the leading industry in the 9th Congressional District and the entire state of Pennsylvania. I’m happy that my friend Dave McCormick is leading the conversation. Thank you to Steve and Bonnie Wenger for having us all on their farm.

On Wednesday, we attended a victory office opening in Northumberland County! I joined State Senator Lynda Schlegel Culver, State Rep Mike Stender, and Northumberland committee members as we welcomed the public to get signs and campaign materials. To get your signs, visit their victory center at 611 Market St, Sunbury, PA 17801.

Later, we hosted a telephone town hall for residents of the 9th Congressional District to discuss important issues that directly impact them. I want to thank everyone who participated. I always enjoy connecting directly with constituents to ensure their voices are heard in Washington!

IN NEWS THAT YOU WON’T HEAR IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Border Czar Kamala Harris knowingly released 99 terrorists into the U.S.

Border Czar Kamala let *at least* 99 illegal aliens on the terror watchlist into the country AFTER they were arrested, according to an explosive new report.

That means the Harris-Biden administration KNEW they were suspected terrorists — but released them into our communities anyway.

This isn't just incompetence — it's criminal negligence.

Under Border Czar Kamala, illegal aliens on the terror watchlist have been encountered from at least 36 different countries — most of which hate us. Tens of thousands of illegals from "countries that could present national security risks" have illegally crossed the southern border in FY2024 alone.

Many of them were subsequently shipped to communities across the country.

Add it to the chaos that has been unleashed in the few short weeks since Kamala was installed as the Democrats' nominee:

Does anybody think Americans will be more safe if Kamala is elected in November?

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the failed Harris-Biden agenda.

Contrast that with President Trump’s four-year record in office, which yielded tremendous success, despite the fact that after his first two years in office, Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker, and Chuck Schumer was the Senate's Majority Leader. Also, President Trump’s 4th year was 2020, as the Covid pandemic hit our country and world. President Trump had a plan, a sense of business urgency, and effective execution despite fighting the red tape-deep regulatory swamp left by eight years of Obama. As a reminder, below is a list of some of the Trump Administration‘s accomplishments.
For a complete list of the Trump Administration’s accomplishments, click here.
Trump Accomplishments
  • Our country was the number one oil and gas producer in the world
  • Our country was a net energy exporter for the first time in almost 70 years.
  • Gas prices fell to just $1.84 a gallon.
  • Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines and rolled back unnecessary regulations that hurt energy production.
Tax Cuts/Economy:
  • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
    • This led to $1 trillion in repatriated investments as corporations brought their offshore profits back to the United States.
  • All taxpayers, particularly small businesses, had their taxes reduced. Small businesses benefited from Trump’s R&D Tax Credit, Interest Deductibility, Bonus Depreciation, and the Small Business Deduction (199A).
  • No inflation; real wages increased
  • Cut more job-killing regulations than any administration
  • President Trump rebuilt the U.S. military with nearly $2.5 trillion,
  • Created Space Force
  • Signed VA Accountability Act and VA Choice Act.
  • 500 miles of wall built
  • Implemented Remain in Mexico policy
  • Ended catch-and-release
  • Deployed nearly 5,000 troops to the Southern border
  • Deported nearly 20,000 gang members
  • Illegal border crossings fell by almost 90% under Trump
  • Secured the assistance of Mexico, which deployed 15-20k Mexican military personnel to guard its southern and northern border.
  • Replaced NAFTA with the USMCA.
  • Withdrew from the horrible Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Virtually eliminating the “Death Tax” for farmers
Foreign Policy:
  • Russia was in check/Iran was in retreat
  • ISIS caliphate had been 100 percent obliterated.
  • Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and imposed the toughest-ever sanctions on Iran
  • North Korea had not launched a single long-range missile since President Trump’s summit with Chairman Kim nearly three years before.
  • Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
  • Signed the Abraham Accords. It was the most significant Peace plan agreed to by the key Middle Eastern nations in history.
  • Peace through strength, and a win-win business approach as opposed to weak, bureaucratic posturing which defines the Biden-Harris-Blinken-Austin approach.
Judicial Confirmations:
  • President Trump appointed nearly 300 federal judges, including three Supreme Court Justices, to defend our Constitution.

There are clear and distinct policy differences between Harris and Trump, and the American public deserves healthy and fair debates between the candidates. President Trump has been clear about his desire to have debates. Unfortunately, it appears Kamala Harris is only serious about hiding her radical agenda and failed record. How else do you explain why she has not held a press conference since becoming the nominee? President Trump has proposed three debates, the first on September 4th in Harrisburg with Fox News. Please take a look at the President's post below.

Want to get involved in the campaign to put President Donald J. Trump back in the White House? There is no better time. Please join me. Go to and register to be a captain.

God Bless our great nation, God Bless our Republican Party, and God Bless President Donald J. Trump. I look forward to seeing you soon,

Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 532, Pottsville, PA 17901, United States
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