J Street


When we founded J Street, so-called “mainstream” Jewish and pro-Israel institutions wrote us off as “fringe.”

I remember their resentment when we were invited to a Jewish community roundtable at the Obama White House. They trash talked us in anonymous quotes to the New York Times.

But even as the politics of Israel grows increasingly toxic at the extremes, it’s now undeniable that J Street’s views and values are at the heart of both the Jewish community and the Democratic Party.

Between the banging drums of the far-left fringe and the enraged bluster of the “Israel can do no wrong” guard on the right, there is a massive majority in the middle who remain guided by their values, judgment and common sense.

They believe the Jewish people have a right to a secure homeland, that the lives and safety of both Israelis and Palestinians matter, and that the United States has an important role to play in ensuring a future of peace, freedom and justice for all.

The transformation is clear across the political landscape.

We see it in the unbridled anger of Donald Trump.

He can’t stop whining about his lack of support among American Jews. He can’t crack more than 30%.

He doesn’t get that spewing anti-Palestinian garbage and teaming up with the most degenerate members of the Israeli right is not the type of pro-Israel leadership we want.

We see it in our community’s excitement for Kamala Harris.

She’s a standard bearer who has met with hostage families, spoken out against sexual violence on October 7, and led the fight against antisemitism – and who is also unafraid to talk tough to Netanyahu, lead the conversation on the catastrophe in Gaza, and make space for those deeply concerned with Palestinian freedoms and the future of the Palestinian people.

It’s compassion. It’s common sense. It’s leadership.

And finally, we see it in the success of J Street’s approach.

Today, J Street endorsees constitute over 60% of the Democratic House and Senate caucus – as well as Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Far from running from our positions since October 7, we’ve had more incumbent Members of Congress seek our endorsement than at any time in our history.

On Capitol Hill, there's a growing hunger for nuanced, informed and balanced recommendations that support the freedom and safety of both peoples – and a growing rejection of a black-and-white “us or them” approach.

Right now, our priority is pressing Congress and the Biden administration to show stronger leadership toward a ceasefire deal that ends the war and frees the hostages.

We cannot allow Netanyahu’s personal politics to risk the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians. President Biden must heed the call from Israel’s own security establishment and tell Netanyahu both publicly and privately to cut the BS and seal a deal.

Here at home, we’re rallying our community behind the Harris-Walz ticket and keeping Donald Trump out of the White House.

If Trump makes it to the Oval Office, the Israeli right will have carte blanche for their wildest anti-democratic, anti-Palestinian fantasies – from warmongering across the region to their radical judicial coup, from building settlements in Gaza to outright annexation in the West Bank.

Just as we must press the Biden administration to move us forward, so too must we prevent a second Trump administration from dragging us backward.

Friends – We don’t have right-wing mega-donors or simplistic black-and-white talking points. But we do have grassroots supporters like you in District of Columbia and across the country.

So if our work matters to you, please help fund it. Every donation strengthens our movement >>

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Thank you, once again, for being part of this work and for helping press us forward. We have much work ahead of us, and I'm deeply thankful to have you by our side.


Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street

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© 2024 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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