Dem lawyer roams FL beaches as Grim Reaper.


Democratic lawyer Daniel Uhlfelder has launched a Grim Reaper campaign to help Democratic candidates and promote social distancing. It's a great idea, and I'm hoping you can help. Let me explain.

Uhlfelder is going to roam Florida's beaches on May 1, dressed as the Grim Reaper, since the state's beaches are reopening before it's safe. He's going to urge Floridians to stay home, but at the same time use publicity from the campaign to raise money for Democrats running for federal office, including Matt Gaetz's opponent Phil Ehr; and Christy Smith, who's running in the May 12, California special election to fill Katie Hill's seat.

It's a great idea. Daniel's been getting a lot of national press, and even Saturday Night Live mentioned it last night! (You can watch the SNL clip here.)

Please consider chipping in $20.20 to help Daniel raise awareness about social distancing, but also to help these important Democratic candidates.

Thanks so much, JOHN

PS If the spirit moves you, and you'd like to support my ongoing work fighting the Republicans and promoting progressive values, you can chip in here, thanks.
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